a quarter of a century

Thursday, November 03, 2022

Wow. When I first started writing in this space, my girl turned nine. Today she turns twenty five. Holy cow.
There is so much magic in her I can't believe she is even mine.  I thank God for my children and the gift of raising them every single day.  

She is living for the year in Madrid, Spain.   I made her a Daily Pullover to take with her and I am always thrilled when she texts me a photo and she is wearing it.  She has told me it is her all time favorite sweater.  She even text me a photo this morning of her Birthday Outfit.  (Photo below.)
We talked about the Daily Pullover on Episode 30 right before we left for Madrid.  It feels weird to not have her in this country.  Especially for her birthday.
But it helps when you copy her outfit.   HA!

Yarn:  Linen Quill in Kettle Black
Needles:  US 4
Mods:  The pattern calls for short rows in the upper back and in the bottom of the sweater.  I decided to omit those rows altogether for Libby's version.  I think it worked out perfectly fine and will omit those sections on my next Daily Pullover.  

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