summer of stripes KAL part 1

Thursday, May 19, 2022

If you watched my last YouTube video you might remember the KAL that Gina (Skeincocaine) and I will be hosting starting on June 21. We are SO excited about it and hope you will join in the joy! I feel like it is always fun to be part of a community and there will be great prizes to boot!

The KAL will run from June 21 (the first day of summer) till September 22 (the first day of autumn). 
We will be using  #summerofstripeskal on Instagram.  
I've been doing a lot of research and coming up with Striped knits to inspire you! This has been pretty challenging because there are so many cute ones and I don't want to overwhelm anyone (especially myself!).  I'm breaking it down into a couple (few) blogposts.  This is part 1!  

 Top Left:  Kunos Cushions by Anne Ventzel 
I LOVE the look of these pillows!  I also love the idea of knitting them and hope to one day.  (After all of my sweaters are knit.  HA!)  They are composed of slipped stitches and are knit on a US 9.  I think they would make a great summer project.  

Top Right:  Nice by Anne Ventzel
A top down easy to wear short sleeved sweater.  Looks like it would be great to wear all summer long.  Knit on US 4's.  

Bottom Left:  Sailor Sweater by Anne Ventzel
I just adore this sweater.  And would like one just like this please.  A top down in the round construction and I am drawn to the angle of the sleeve cuffs.  US7 needles.  

Bottom Right:  Bag and Cover by Anne Venzel
This is one of those knits that would be great for on the go in the summer.  The pattern consists of 3 parts. A canvas lined bag, a tablet and a phone patterns are all included.  Knit on size US2.5.

Top Left:  Beatrice Mitts.  Hopefully you picked up this pattern and yarn!  And if so, would be a great summer on the go project.  A quick knit on size US 2 needles!  (I adore the burberry colors!)

Top Right:  Oyster Sweater by Sanne Fjalland Knit-Wear 
Another Sailor Knit inspired sweater with a cute twist on the sleeves.  Not the quickest knit on US 2.5's but would be great to use stash fingering weight yarns!  

Bottom Left:  Ravello by Isabell Kraemer 
Thanks to Jennie Atkinson for sharing this one!  If you aren't into all stripe sweater this has just enough.  You can even omit a few if you like less.  Would be fun to play around with colors on this one.  And I love the neckline for summer.  US 4 needles.  

Bottom Right:  Vertical Stripes by PetiteKnits
REMEMBER... All stripes don't have to be in contrasting colors.  Some can be accomplished by texture.  If you aren't into color stripes you can always knit this beauty.  I just might have to put this one in my queue.  I adore it! I'll take it in this color! US 7 needles.

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  1. This sounds fun! Your suggestions are beautiful, but I think many of us want to see what YOU will be knitting! Because we all know it will be amazing!

    1. Ooooooh! Remember that beautiful striped cowl you made me!!! <3


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