motive in february - a Friend to knit with

motive in february

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Hiya Friends! Sorry for the crappy iPhone photo. I don't travel with my camera anymore and just rely on my iPhone. It's just so much easier. Except when I don't get the same quality photos.

I wanted to mention that I am teaching a class at Maker + Stitch in Edwards, Colorado on February 2nd!  I'm super excited.  We are going to make Motive mitts.  So while I was in Tahoe last week, I experimented with a couple of yarns.  I just made short cuffs to get to the fun part... the heart!  Not sure we like the mixture of the mohair for the heart.  (Just couldn't get the right gauge.)  Still debating and deciding on the specific yarn we will end up using.  
Lake Tahoe, January 17, 2019

But we will have a LOVE-ly time.  Can't wait!

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  1. good luck with your class! And those mitts are cute, I like the mohair, but I can see how the gauge would be tricky.

  2. The mobile phone is so much easier to carry around and also take photos but it's the good old camera that takes the best photos. I know the feeling. Lovely knitting and enjoy your class.

    1. oh, that is so true anita! can never part with my good ol nikon! xx

  3. That sounds like so much fun! I'd love to sit and knit with you.

    1. oh, meeeeee too, with YOU! unfortunately i had to cancel because of my moms fall. hoping to reschedule. xx

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