December 2018 - a Friend to knit with


Oh goodness.  Hello!  I wanted to get here to wish you all a very merry Christmas, but the time slipped away from me.  I do hope everyone had a wonderful holiday doing what makes you most happy!  
I love a good handmade holiday.  Growing up, we made a lot of gifts for each other, so that truly is when my heart is most happy.  I made a few things; peppermint lip scrub for a bunch of peeps, 1 pair of Motive mitts for one sister, and a pair of sheet pants for the other sister.  (I had that idea on Christmas Eve day to sew and I spent the majority of the day trying to put my sewing machine back together and finally sewing them! Ugh!  Sometimes I get on my own nerves! 😬)
My sisters both came for a visit on the 26th which was awesome.  And, my sister Shelly came bearing these awesome headbands.  

One for my niece Kelli, one for me, one for my sister Lisa, and one for Libby.  We all squealed when we opened the package.  They are fabulous!
Pattern:  The Soleil   (My sister used the yarn that the pattern called for.)

Happy New Year dear friends!  May 2019 be one awesome year for you!

xx, leslie

turks and caicos

  I never thought in a million years I would like to go away in December.  I love to be home.  Especially during December.  And truly, you know, there is just so much more to do than any other time of year.  But honestly, I now believe it to be one of the best times to go away.  
A couple of things I learned about the time right after Thanksgiving and a few weeks before Christmas:
* Most people don't like to travel then.  Makes sense.  Kids are still in school.  College kids are back in school. People may be going away for Christmas break.  
*It just so happens to be when rates are lowest; airlines and hotels.   Makes sense since most people aren't traveling.  And also makes sense for people who can travel then, to travel then! :)
 With an empty nest, it seems like all of those things fit nicely into our travel calendar. 
So, we packed our bags on December 6 and headed to some unbelievably gorgeous water on December 7.
I had never even heard of this Island until about 5 years ago.  Not sure why it was never on my radar.  If you like sun, sand and all the water activities, you will love it here!  Snorkeling was great.  AND, they have horseback riding on the beach.  (But, I'm allergic to horses so we didn't horseback ride. 😀)
The last day, a storm rolled in.  It was a great time to work on Turtle Dove, capturing all of the warmth I could into that sweater.  

I am now fully excited about Christmas.  Both Charlie and Andrew are home and I'm leaving in about an hour to pick up Libby at the airport.  All babies under the same roof tonight!  Yippee!

turtle dove

Have you seen this pattern?  I'm truly and utterly in love.
I'm not a turtleneck person at all.  I just don't like anything permanent around my neck.  I can do a scarf or a cowl because I know I can remove it if I get too confined.  I just don't go for a turtleneck.
That is until I saw Turtle Dove.  It's just so beautiful.  And the yarn is to die for.  It's knit top down, and I'm about to separate for the sleeves.
Turtle dove + morning Celery Juice = A beautiful way to start a day!

november knitcrate

I can't even begin to tell you what a treat it is to open my mailbox and see this lovely blue box.  And then when the beauty drops out, I fall in love each and every time.
November's knitcrate was such a beauty. Jewel toned colorways sprinkled with a bit of sparkle.  Oh ya! I instantly wanted to knit a sweater out of this yummy yarn.  However it is a Superwash Merino so I think I will stick to the pattern included.  Superwash Merino is best for those lovely accessories!
The November Crate included not one but three patterns for this lovely yarn.  
Yarn:  Uru.yarn  Sugared Worsted  2 skeins.  70% Merino, 20% Nylon, and 10% Stellina.  4 different colorways.  I received Wolves colorway.  Also available in Roses, Gilded and Twilight.  
Pattern:  Well, like I said, there just happens to be three knit patterns.  Mitts, a cowl and a hat.  As always, there is one crochet pattern.  
I'm not sure the photos show the beautiful sparkle in these yarns but it's there, I promise!  Twinkle toes ahead with this sock crate!  A sparklying, Stellina-laden yarn for a new pair of socks.

Yarn:  Uru.yarn  Sugared sock.  Available in two exclusive colorways.  I received the Apple, but Amber was lovely as well.
Pattern:  A sweet ankle sock.  Ribbons of Gratitude.

I had a friend to knit with contact me and tell me she was ordering her friend a year subscription of the sockcrate.  Every other month.  What a lovely gift.

As always, your first crate is 20% off by using code FKW20 at checkout.

Happy December, Friends!