so much love

Saturday, February 10, 2018

{Lake Tahoe Valentines} 
This week I packaged some Valentines to head to the kids in College.  Libby informed me that she doesn't need all that Valentine stuff, but cookies might be nice.
Until recently, I've never been a huge fan of cut out cookies.  I think it was the time involved that scared me away.  When we moved, I even gave away a GIANT collection of cookie cutters.  (I wish I had them now.) But, to tell you the truth, cut outs don't take that much more time.  I love the dough/cutting tips I learned from this post.  And, that has definitely become my new favorite cutout recipe.
I doodled on the Chalk Lots this week making knit stitches.  It doesn't surprise me that knit stitches look just like hearts.  Considering all the love in hand knit items.
Knit hearts went in the boxes as well.  My sweet friend, Suzanne, gifted me this pattern.  It is such a great one. (Thank you, Suzanne!)  She made me the light pink heart on the left a few years ago.    It's absolutely perfect.  I decided to make it my travel heart and take it in my suitcasewhen I travel.  It will be my little reminder of what I believe in most.  Love.  And all there is in the world.
Before I seam them together, I decided to write secret messages and put them inside each one.  No one will ever know it's there.  Except for me.  Just a little added Love energy inside each hand knit LOVE.

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  1. I love the idea of love messages inside the hearts. It reminds me of the hearts on the chests of the Raggedy Ann dolls. (showing my age - those dolls probably aren't even a thing now!)

  2. LOVE your site, Leslie and love reading about what a sweet mom you are. (And for Jane, above, my son received Raggedy Ann and Andy as a birth present. He's now 40! I still love those dolls and my grandchildren now play with them.)

    1. ohhhh... thank you so much Christie! that is so sweet! xx

  3. Love the notes in the sweet!

  4. Oh, those messages in the hearts are so special! What a gorgeous idea.

  5. You put a love spin on everything you make! Fortune hearts. Ingenious.

  6. Love the idea of small message inside the heart!
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