my humulus sweater

Friday, January 05, 2018

So, color work mistakes are some of the worst.  I mean, I usually just want to throw my knitting across the room when I notice the mistake.  Especially when the mistake isn't visible for a while.
I noticed the mistake in the yolk of my Humulus sweater, (you make not even notice it, my sweet sister didn't) and actually did consider forging ahead.  However, took it off the needles, ripped it back and put it back on the needles.
I knit last night and am back where I began.  (See the diamond pattern repeat now?)
I wish I lived closer to my mom. (For many reasons.)  She loves detangling yarn and could help me with this beautiful mess.

Happy weekend, friends!

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  1. Looking forward to seeing the finished article! This is on my wish list but have never done short rows before so a little apprehensive 😩

    1. Short rows aren't that difficult to do. Make a swatch and test the different techniques out (or the one used for the sweater) and practice a bit. You'll get the hang of it quickly!

    2. Thank you! Will give it a go then 😉

  2. That sweater looks amazing. Have to remember that one. And I applaud you for actually ripping back and reknitting and not putting it in time out.

    1. ha! thank you nadja! i almost did put it in time out... but, i'm too excited about this one! xx

  3. Yep , I would tell you to let it go but if I had made the mistake I would redo it . 😂😂

    1. ha! i totally get that dianne! we are so much harder on ourselves. ;) xx

  4. Color work and cables are on my list of things to learn in 2018!

    1. yipppppeeee! you are gonna have a fun 2018, debbie! xx

  5. Sometimes you just have to rip to get it right!
    And fortunately you noticed it quite early. Looking forward to see it finished.
    And the Hotline sweater you made for your daughter is beautiful. I so wish my daughter would like hand knitted items *sigh*

    1. oh you are so right about noticing it early! not too much to rip! fingers crossed your sweet girl requests a sweater soon! xx

  6. Cyndi Stephenson1/08/2018

    This is going to be beautiful and your knitting is so even and neatly done! Looking forward to the finished project! I've always wanted to knit a garment to wear other than a shawl, hat, or fingerless mits - I love color work and just learned how to do it a little over a year ago, so this may be just the project I go to! Also loved the sweater you recently knitted for your daughter! Happy knitting!

    1. awe. thank you cyndi! and make this the year you make a sweater! just a simple one! email me if you have any questions or need a suggestion! xx


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