November 2017 - a Friend to knit with

gradient poncho

So, this was the sweater I was going to wear to Rhinebeck.  I never did get to Rhinebeck this year.  (Life took a turn.)  However, I heard it was super warm that weekend.  So, I don't think I would have worn it anyhow.  Or, maybe I would have.  And suffered through the heat. 😊  
I think this is a fantastic pattern.   It's a pretty mindless knit, only keeping track of increases that give the piece shape.  As far as the knit, I love how it isn't big and bulky.  And, it isn't too cape like.  Not that I don't like those types of patterns.  But this is more of a sweater.  And, sort of like a shawl.  You can leave it on as if it is a sweater.  Or take it off as if it's a wrap.  It's perfectly perfect in my eyes.

Unfortunately, I haven't worn this as much as I envisioned.  Not because I don't love it.  Because I do.  But because it is just so darn nice.  Truly.  The yarn is just so dreamy.  It's one of those sweaters (poncho's)  I am afraid to wear because I don't want to hurt it!  You know, I have a fear of getting a big red stain on it from a red sauce.  Or from red wine.  Have you ever made anything like that?  A sweater you fear to wear?    I have only ever made a few where I have this same feeling.  My Hanne Falkenberg sweaters are definitely in that category.  And this.  This falls into that same category.  
However, I am going to try to wear it more.   I'll be the girl wearing a bib if I'm having a red sauce or a red wine.

I bought this as a kit from Adirondack yarns.  They offer three gradient choices.  I had the hardest time deciding between the blue or the grey shades.  The taupe is great, too.  I'd actually like one in every color.   Then I would wear them all!

Pattern: Gradient Poncho in grey by Adirondack yarns.

2 pairs

Okay.  I was completely impressed with my last skein of yarn and the fact that I was able to knit two pairs of mitts using only the one skein.  
Toasty (With the thumb.)    Toast→(No thumb.)
When my sister and I took Andrew to Amsterdam last May, we googled yarn shops in the area. When I visit a city or country I always like to check out a yarn shop.  This one did not disappoint.  (I posted about it here.)  I bought one skein of yarn and one canvas bag.  I knew I would make a pair of toast, but was pleasantly surprised to have a lot of yarn left when I finished.  SO... I cast on for a pair of toasty and was thrilled that I had a pair of both.

Have you made toast or toasty?  If not, now's your chance.  To celebrate the shopping weekend, Toast and Toasty are 50% off now through the end of day Monday.   Follow this link and use the code "friendsgive" at checkout.

Also... The ultimate guide to Black Friday/Cyber Monday all things knitty sale can be found here.  (Thank you Knit Like Granny!)

Happy Weekend, Friends!

thanksgiving 2017

There is always so much to be thankful for.  However, this year, I am overwhelmed with how grateful I am for this life.
So thankful for this Tribe of knitters.  Truly a gift.
Hope everyone has a heart full of Love and a hand filled with yarn.

november knitcrate

Okay.  I'm going to move on to some of my finished objects (And yes!  I have some! 😊) but I really wanted to mention what was in November Knitcrate Artisan Crate first.  
It truly is a great day when I see this blue box in my mail delivery!  I was so excited to see the word cozy as soon as I opened the box.  That seems to be one of our favorite words in our house!  So the "cozy" theme is perfect.
The yarn:  Flying Goat Farm, Willow Green or Apricot.  70% Baby Alpaca, 20% Bobyx Silk, 10% Cashmere.  
The patterns:  For intermediate/advanced ::  Sage Cowl.
For the beginner ::  Fawn Hat & Mitts
The extras:  My very own first pair of ChiaoGoo needles!  I have heard a lot of people talk about these and love them.  I, quite honestly, love the name.  I'm super excited to give them a try.

I should have been telling you the retail value of these boxes.  I guess I'll start now!  The retail value of this crate is $75.00 (The cost for the Artisan Crate is $34.99) If interested in ordering, use the code FKW20 to receive 20% off your first Knitcrate.  (That code works for any crate!)

Happy weekend!

before november

Thank you so much for all of your prayers and friends on my last post.  Things are progressing with all of the boys and healing is happening.  Praise the Lord.  Andrew had the drain and all of the stitches removed and I gave him his last Lovenox shot!  (YIPPEE!)  He will start PT next Monday.
Because I love showing you what is in the Knitcrates, and documenting it for myself, it seems that I can't move forward with November's crate  (which arrived today!) until I show you October's crate.
October was good.  Very, very good.
The yarn:  A hundred Ravens, Raven's Wing, 100% Superwash merino wool.  I just love this gorgeous purple, especially appropriate for Halloween and the theme of Octobers crate... wicked!

The pattern:  Always two patterns.  One beginner, and one intermediate.  The beginner is a pair of Moonwalk Legwarmers. (I'm wondering if Libby would like these.)  The intermediate/advanced is a pair of aeronaut armwarmers and a hat.  I'm crazy about the arm warmers.
The extra:  An adorable magnetic bookmark by Crafted Van.  I forgot how much I love magnetic bookmarks!

As always, if you are interested in ordering, use the promo code FKW20 to receive 20% off your first knitcrate!

it's been three weeks

Three weeks ago, Steve and I headed to the Oregon Coast.  It's been on my list for a while.  We felt it was just what we needed after recuperating from my broken foot and ankle.  That all seems so silly now.
Our first morning there, I received a text that rocked my world more than anything I had ever been through before.  You see, my sweet Andrew had been in an auto accident.  The text came through in a group text that included the parents of Andrew's golf team.  Andrew and three other members of the golf team were involved in an auto accident.  Andrew was driving.  I crumbled to my knees.  The SUV hit a bank, flipped and hit a utility poll.  The utility poll fell on the car.  Three boys were rushed to the ER at Children's Hospital.  My son, Andrew, was pinned in the car.  It took the fire department two hours to get him out.  Once out, he was rushed to the trauma unit.
I was totally helpless on the other side of the country.
The next 20 hours are a complete blur.  Getting ourselves to Portland Airport.  We purchased tickets to Pittsburgh via San Francisco.  The San Francisco flights were cancelled due to the awful fires.  Rerouted through Newark, we finally made it home at 11am the next day.
Andrew had been through the first of 3 surgeries to repair his femur.  Three of the four boys had to be hospitalized.  Each sustaining injuries that will take care and time.
The accident has left scars on all of the boys.  Physical and emotional.  To say that I have been afraid has been an understatement.  I've worried non stop about all of the boys.  About their families.  I hate that they have all gone throw this extremely difficult time.  The love and support from our community along with the power of prayer from friends and family will never be forgotten.  God has answered our prayers and eventually all of our boys will be back to themselves.

The fragility of life is always present.  But has been even more so during these past few weeks.  Please, remind your people not to speed.  To pay attention.  To live life carefully.  It's beautiful and precious and by the grace of God they are all here to enjoy it.  Thank you God.