woolfolk gradiant poncho

Thursday, September 21, 2017

You guys!  I am in love with this yarn.  It is truly dreamy.  To me, it feels like cashmere.  Looks like cashmere.  But it's not.  It's 100% Orvis 21 Ultimate Merino Wool.
I'm making the Gradiant Poncho out of Woolfolk Far.  And I hope to be sporting it at this years Rhinebeck.  Anyone else going?
This is the first time I have ever worked with a yarn that has been wound like this. I am crazy about it.

Episode 2 of "a friend to knit with podcast" is up over on YouTube.  I am a work in progress. 😊

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  1. I am thrilled you are going to Rhinebeck. Sadly I am not but in the spirit of the grand event I'm knitting a Rhinebeck sweater anyway. I may have to send you a picture of me wearing it so I can say I went to Rhinebeck too. :)

    1. YAY! a rhinebeck sweater! please PLEASE send me a pic! xx

  2. I went to Rhinebeck last year. It was so beautiful and lovely. Wish we were going this year but we are headed to Asheville. Enjoy!

    1. awe. have a fab time in asheville, erin! it's on my list! xx

  3. I want to squish that yarn - it looks lovely :)

  4. That yarn looks amazing! Its knitting up beautifully too. I'm definitely going to have to check it out.

    I love Rhinebeck! Have you been before? I went to college around there and love the area but the festival itself is like a wonderland!

    1. hi becky! yes! check out that yarn. it is absolutely DELICIOUS!
      i have been to rhinebeck and if you can believe sadly did not wear a hand knit! will NOT make that mistake again. :) xx

  5. I just want to touch it. Beautiful!

  6. That yarn looks amazing. You can just see it's softness in the pictures! I won't be going to Rhinebeck this year but I am heading to Asheville for my fiber fix.

  7. I have never knit with a yarn like that, but I am going to have to try it because it looks so soft! No Rhinebeck for me - maybe next year!

  8. Yes, I'm going to Rhinebeck, with three of my knitting friends. This will be the third year in a row with them; I went with my daughter in 2009, 2010, 2013, and 2014, so this year will make it my 7th year! Love, love, love it! My friends and I all made matching Baa-ble hats last year, and this year we'll be wearing the Bousta Beanie! Hope to see you there!


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