fading right along

Friday, September 08, 2017

First off, thank you SO much for the kind words you shared regarding my first podcast.  They honestly mean SO much and are SO appreciated.  :)  
I had the hardest time choosing a fade for the What the Fade KAL.  I was so happy when I stumbled onto Knit Picks site to find that they had a couple of fade kits put together.  Although my eye was caught by the brighter fade they offer (Sunstorm), I decided to go with the darker fade (Dark Mood) considering those are the colors I like to wear in the winter.
Although it took me three tries to cast on and get going (hello brioche!),  I did finish Clue #1 on time.  Still haven't cast on for Clue number 2 but plan on that happening this weekend.

Prayers go out to all of those in the path of Irma. I sure hope her strength weakens.

Happy weekend, friends.

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  1. it took me 5 tries! i am trucking along, though....

    1. I loved it! You did great and I loved seeing all your projects. I will definately watch again.

  2. these are gorgeous colours, they are going to look amazing together!!!

  3. I have joined but still haven't decided on my colors !
    Love the yarn colors you have picked


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