may knitcrate

Friday, May 12, 2017

Oh boy.  This yummy box arrived at my doorstep this week.  How about those colors!  Deep tones of greens, vivid violets and peacocks blues from Tanis Fiber Arts' Organic Merino.  It came with two patterns; the honeycomb cap and the sawtooth shawlette.  I am always equally excited about the little extras included.  This months DPN holder marks my first one ever!  Pretty excited to finally have one.  These boxes are truly a wonderful value.  (This crate is valued at $64.00)

Remember to use code FKW20 to receive 20% off your first Crate!

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  1. I am endeavoring not to buy more yarn until my current overflow is a bit under control. Still...that yarn you have received is very, very beautiful!

    (I also thought your press on yarn ball tattoo was a very clever idea from the event.)

    Happy weekend to you...rain is due hereabouts which means more indoor knitting time might be available. xo

    1. oh, i know frances about the overflow! it's pretty fun to have one, huh?! i am building a nice little stash... it's sort of like having a little store! :)
      have a wonderful weekend! xx

  2. love this yarn. I get the knitcrate every month. Not disappointed ,
    Like the tattoo also.

    1. yay! isn't it so much fun to see that box on your doorstep?! it's like Christmas.... i can hardly wait to open it! xx

  3. such gorgeous yarn, and the crate looks amazing!!

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