our sunset thanksgiving

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Since we were spending Thanksgiving out west we decided to take our Sunset Magazine with us and have a completely non-traditional Thanksgiving.  Sunset featured a FoolProof Feast we decided to try.  We made the list (on a Chalk Lots!), bought the ingredients and then drew names out of a hat as to which dish each person would make.  Getting the kids involved was so much fun!  Just watching them try to figure out how long their recipe would take and exactly how it would be made was comical.  And their personalities completely showed!  I had the joy of making the Pumpkin Ice Cream Gingersnap pie.  Yumm!
We started the day with Pumpkin Scones... they were A M A Z I N G.

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  1. Anonymous11/29/2016

    That sounds fun. I made an icebox pumpkin mousse pie instead of the traditional pumpkin pie. We loved it.

  2. Of course a west coast thanksgiving would have sourdough! Duh! 😉

  3. Aaah! Sunset magazine! So many fond memories of flipping through those pages growing up in California. Now it's Midwest Living in Nebraska!

  4. Sounds so exciting :) The Pumpkin Ice Cream Gingersnap pie, thank you for sharing the recipe, I also want to try it ;)
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