
Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Have you heard of KnitCrate?  It was totally new to me until a couple of months ago.  Here's how it works:  Every month you receive a fun, red, shiny mailer, including yarn and a project.  KnitCrate has different "crates" to fit your interest.  This was the regular KnitCrate, however, you can subscribe to one with socks, or if you are new to making socks, there is a "newbie sock" one for you, and if you are just plain new to knitting, there is one for you!  Such a fun surprise to receive once a month.  (You can cancel at anytime.)  I think it is a genius idea.  I love the idea of receiving something you would have never have tried, and in turn, perhaps finding something you love!
I was pretty excited when I opened the package, back in August, and saw yarn in Charlie's school colors.  I never even knew about Echoview yarn and now I am in love.  It's 95% fine merino wool and 5% silk.  Pure deliciousness.   I decided to forgo the pattern that was included, and make a stripy pair of mitts instead.  (See, you can make whatever you want!)  I'm sort of making it up as I go, but I'll be sure to share the pattern when I'm finished.

If you are interested in subscribing,  KnitCrate would like to offer 20% off your first package.  Enter code FKW20 at checkout.

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  1. oooh, that yarn looks amazing!! I love tweedy yarns. I haven't tried Knitcrate before, but I've been tempted- I'll have to give it a go!

  2. love those stripes! I might HAVE to check them out ;)

  3. discount code not working for me

    1. shoot.... sorry! i've contacted them. i'll let you know as soon as it is up and running again.

    2. I've received word its working now! so sorry about that.

  4. Barbara H10/13/2016

    HI Leslie,
    The discount code didn't work for me :-(
    Also, maybe i have been under a rock but I didn't know about chalk lot minis! i'm very interested.
    can you tell me more?

    1. hi barbara! shoot! sorry about the discount code... i just emailed them, i'll let you know when it is up and running.
      and yay! glad you like the mini's! i haven't really announced them yet... so it would have been hard to find them. they are FUN to leave little notes, write down recipes, play games and great for kids to take on day trips or vacations. :) xoxo

  5. Love the yarn you received. I need to look into this :)

  6. Thanks so much for the introduction to Knit Crate. I was so impressed, I signed up even without the working coupon code.

    1. awe! that's so great, jeannie! sorry the code isn't working! ack! xx

  7. Ooh, that is a pretty red/grey color combo!

  8. Anonymous10/16/2016

    Just FYI, knitcrate has been asking for all CS requests to go through their Zendesk platform here :: ( ) If you don't get a respnse from your email about the discount code, you might want to try submitting a help ticket through that link.

    1. Hi everyone,

      The codes are up and working now. Sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience.



  9. Nice. I know what to do this summer abcya

  10. Rowanl Lebsackl12/09/2024

    KnitCrate offers a delightful monthly surprise for knitting enthusiasts, delivering yarn and projects tailored to your interests. Whether you're a beginner or a sock-making pro, there's a crate for you. Just like scoring a touchdown in Retro bowl , each delivery feels like a victory! It's an exciting way to discover new hobbies and materials. Plus, you can cancel anytime, making it a risk-free adventure in creativity!


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