salty sweet

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

So... Summer is over?! Say it isn't so. I just can't believe it. I just can't believe that the new school year is here, already.

Yesterday, after I took Andrew to school, I came home and stood in the kitchen.  Feeling an overwhelming amount of sadness.  Although, extremely grateful, I just can't believe that I am left with only one child at home.  I decided to blast some music like I have in the past.  I chose the Brett Dennen station on Pandora and the first song was "Nothing Lasts Forever".  Really?!  I know this!  But, Please!  You don't have to rub it in!

So, I turned off the music and read my old "back to school" blog posts.
Cried a bunch of tears. (Pure torture.)
Made my annual back to school brownies.
Wandered around the house.
Tried for 45 minutes to get contacts into my eyes.  (New to me.)
Wandered around the house.
Sat on our new sofa.
Tried for 20 minutes to get the contacts out of my eyes.
Wandered around the house.
Finally, I knit a few rows.
And, all of a sudden, all felt good in the world.

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  1. kisses and hugs, sweetie.

  2. Knitting has a good way of restoring inner calm xx

    1. oh yes. i am so grateful for my knitting. xx

  3. Autumn is a funny season. Even though my September birthday arrives before what I consider technically autumn's first day...around the 21st or 22nd of Sept., I still consider autumn one of my favorite seasons, and summer my least favorite.

    Maybe i am the funny one. I always loved going back to school and the new experiences it offered. Funnier still, eh?

    I do agree with you that knitting is a grand place to turn in any season.

    Sending you lots of love as you turn over a very momentous calendar page. xo

    1. oh, i love the autumn weather most also, frances. september birthdays are the best! xx

  4. Anonymous8/31/2016

    Awww. A hug from a fellow mama to you. I'm not there yet but I understand.

    1. thank you, stefanie. hold those babies tight! the ride is too damn fast. xx

  5. I'm feeling it too....summer over, back to work and my baby girl back to sad.

  6. It's great when we find the thing that settles our souls. Ah, knitting. Where would we be without you?

    1. oh suzanne... hold onto those sweet boys. and have a bunch of knitting projects lined up! :) xx

  7. Anonymous9/01/2016

    First time both my older two are away at college and I am left with just one. It is soooo quiet at our house. Who knew you could miss chaos?! Hugs to you and know that you are not alone. Nice to have our knitting

  8. Hang in there my will have a blast with only Andrew home. I do miss Matt but it's just different! On a side note...Ryan said that he want to apply to Boulder!!

  9. oh, so much transition!! Glad that you made the back to school brownies. I bet Andrew is, too.

  10. Anonymous9/14/2016

    ugh get a life

  11. Thanks for the recipe, for the Pandora station, and for always being real. When our last went to college - 1200 miles south - I cried for the first 300 miles back home. Didn't open his bedroom door for weeks as I couldn't bear to smell his smell left behind. Lots of love to yourself during this transition time, whether it means chocolate, wine, knitting or time with your Mom. xoxo


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