summer '16

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Well, the beginning of summer is kickin' my butt in true beginning of summer form.  The last day of school was last Friday.  
Of course, I made them jump.  Every year since the last day of school '08.  It just cracks me up that Andrew's form pretty much hasn't changed.  
I packed the last lunch for Libby.  (Waaaaaaaa!)
Which, as usual, included a hershey kiss.  I have been putting a hershey kiss in their lunch since their first day of Kindergarten.  It started when I sent Charlie to Kindergarten and I told him it was my lunchtime kiss to him. The tradition has continued all these years.  Even high school students need a lunchtime kiss!
 I bought bakery treats instead of baking.  Penguin cupcakes for our Pittsburgh Penguins.
Yesterday I took Libby to the yarn store to pick out a knitting project for her.  It's gonna be a fun summer!

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  1. Anonymous6/15/2016

    What sweet traditions you have for your kids. Love that jump shot.

  2. aw! love your end of school jump shot. i can't believe how fast time is flying!

  3. Aw! The hershey kiss tradition is the cutest. Happy Summer!

  4. Love, love, love the Hershey kiss tradition! I wish I had thought of it for my girl... Happy Summer Leslie! <3

  5. so awesome to see the jump shot!! I love the traditions you have with your kids, that is so amazing. They are always going to remember those hershey kisses and jump photos, and what a sweet way to show them how loved they are.

  6. you are honestly such a loving mama! you inspire me and what kind of my i can be to my precious girl! and i am totally stealing your lunchtime kiss idea when the time comes...which will be in the blink of an eye!

  7. you are honestly such a loving mama! you inspire me and what kind of my i can be to my precious girl! and i am totally stealing your lunchtime kiss idea when the time comes...which will be in the blink of an eye!

  8. Love the kiss idea!! You have a lovely family :-)

  9. always love seeing these annual jumping pics! happy summer to YOU! xx


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