i have a confession

Tuesday, April 05, 2016

I stink at crocheting.
No, seriously, I do.  And that's okay.  Except that it takes me so long to do it.  And, I get cramps in my hand.  And, I can't seem to get the tension correct.
But, I am halfway finished adding a crochet border to the wrap.  And, I have big plans to finish it by tomorrow.

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  1. i bet you are better than you think! ;)

  2. I can't wait to see the finished project! Good luck.... lots of tea breaks....

  3. Slow and steady! I wonder if you couldn't do applied I-cord if you really get bogged down. That's my remedy when I just can't get a crochet edging right.

  4. You and me both, friend. After a childhood filled with painful hands due to fine motor problems I can't push through the hand cramps I get with crochet now.

  5. Everyone always tells me if you can knit, you can crochet...it's much easier. I disagree! I stink at crocheting too :)

  6. Anonymous4/06/2016

    It's funny how those who crochet don't have to worry about their hands and we, knitters, have hand and wrist issues. If your hands are getting tired, just stop for the day. Don't force yourself to tackle that border all in one day. It's not worth it; it'll get done :O).

  7. Here, here! I'm terrible at it too. I'm trying to improve, but often wonder if it's worth it...

  8. I'm lousy, too! I'm left handed, so I'm never sure if I'm doing it right...

  9. You are doing great! And don't worry, us crochet-ers have the same complaints whenever we try to knit! I'll conquer them both some day...


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