rayures cowl

Thursday, March 31, 2016

I find one of the most amazing gifts is a hand knit item.  Truly.  
Especially if you are a knitter on the receiving end.  
This beauty came in the mail from my sweet friend, Kristyn.
I was completely speechless when I opened the box.
Are you kidding?  Kristyn spent all of that time knitting for me?  And she included all of the stash in case I wanted to make a pair of  T O A S T.
My heart is completly and utterly full.  It truly might pop.
 I absolutley adore this cowl.
It will be worn all spring.  And then again.  And again.  And again.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart,  sweet friend.

Pattern:  Rayures
Yarn:  Knit Picks, Palette

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  1. Soak it in. It's a lovely feeling, that gift of love, time and friendship all knitted up in a hug, I mean, cowl.

  2. Awww such a beautiful, thoughtful gift! It looks lovely on you Leslie!
    It will compliment so many outfits too.

    All my heart,
    Deborah xo

  3. Anonymous4/01/2016

    I Love a knitted gift; your friend did a lovely job with this cowl for you.

  4. What an amazing gift! Knitters are the most thoughtful friends. :)

  5. It's beautiful! Kristyn is so sweet and thoughtful. Lucky you!

  6. Woo who guess what I just ordered for Christmas gifts. I am going to use Cascade Sport's yummy soft colors. Starting out with 5 to knit so far. And how is your Christmas List for 2016? Kristyn you have started a frenzies. Lov to all...

  7. oh my gosh, it's beautiful and so very thoughtful!!! I never think of knitting for other knitters, what a great idea! and so sweet include the yarn in case you knit something to match. Wow

  8. love this. cannot wait for my broken fingers to heal so I can get back to knitting


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