folie vest

Friday, February 19, 2016

 Ooooooh Loop Stitch!
I had so much fun working the Loop Stitch for the very first time.
And Libby and I had so much fun shooting the photos of the Folie Vest.
Libby says it reminds her of a fur vest, only cooler.
That's what I'm talkin bout!
So simple.
So quick.
So fun.
Oh, and guess what?  Last weekend, Libby asked if she could knit a row on Maine Squeeze.  I calmly handed her my knitting.  I didn't want her to see the excitement inside me.  And then, after row 4, she asked if we could get her a project.  She wants to make a poncho.
Be still my heart.

I love this company.  Their projects come kitted including, pattern, yarn and needles.  Everything you need from start to finish.

Pattern:  Folie Vest Kit

Oh!  And come visit next week.  I'll be hosting a giveaway for anything on We Are Knitters site valued up to $100.00.  SO exciting.  And if you just can't wait to get a project going, you can order and enter promo code AWAKFRIEND to receive a 15% discount on any items.

Have a beautiful weekend, friends!

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  1. Is there anything miss Libby can't wear with panache? My son asked me out of the blue this week if I would teach him to knit. My heart skipped a beat too.

    1. awe! that is the BEST! both my boys knit at some point... maybe they will one day pick it back up! xx

  2. beautiful, and Libby styled it so well! That is so exciting that sh wants to knit!! I wonder what she will choose for her project.

  3. Cute vest :)
    Maria V.

  4. I like this vest so much more than a furry one. Gorgeous gal here.

    1. thank you stefanie! i know... fur vest only wayyyyyyy better! :)

  5. Beautiful vest and a beautiful model! Knitting is a hobby that I love to share with my mom!

    1. i couldn't agree more, maryse. the bond my mom and i share from knitting is woven deep!

  6. Leslie, this is adorable. So Anthropologie.

    1. thank you tayler! ooooooooh love that compliment. as anthropolgie is our fav!

  7. Anonymous2/20/2016


  8. This is so beautiful on so many levels! This space always warms my heart and makes me smile Leslie. <3

  9. Yay for Libby knitting! She looks stunning in this vest! Now I want to make one! So cute!

  10. Beautiful vest and gorgeous daughter!

  11. I cannot believe how grown up miss libby is! i recall pics of her when she was little and you were making sweaters for christmas cards for them! you must be so proud to be her mom! oh and love the vest too! :)

  12. Good for her! And she is so pretty and, oh my that hat is G-O-R-G-E-O-U-S. :=)

  13. i'm taking this to mean that there is hope for jane and kate yet!

  14. Maureen2/23/2016

    Just beautiful...and the vest is lovely, also! Can't believe Libby is so grown up...she's just gorgeous! I'm jealous about her wanting to daughter tried one scarf and hated the entire process. But her seven year old daughter (and my granddaughter) wants to learn and I've been teaching her! It's so much fun...and we're sewing together, too! We're living proof that needlework of any kind skips every other generation (an old wives' tale!) certainly is true in my family for several generations!

  15. She's so beautiful! Have fun knitting together! And what a treat to have a whole family of knitters!

  16. Yay, Libby wants to knit!! The vest came out perfectly beautiful. Especially when the model wearing it is gorgeous. ;-)

    twitter knitterie1


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