the winners

Thursday, December 03, 2015

I'm over here trying to untangle and test the lights.  White this year.  And I'm so excited about it.  I have been alternating between color and white for years.  The white lights are my absolute favorite.

I had the random number generator choose numbers for the winners of Faerie Magazine.   Caroline was chosen for the one year subscription and Melissa and M Laley and for the current issue. Congrats!  Please email me at lesliemfriend at gmail dot com and I will be sure they land in your hands.  So much goodness in that magazine!

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  1. Congrats to the winners. I love a lit tree but the task of getting those on is daunting. Good luck!

  2. Me?? WOW! I never win anything and this is an amazing prize!! Thanks so much Leslie and Faerie Magazine, I can't wait!


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