new years eve morning

Thursday, December 31, 2015

The last day of 2015.  Part of me can hardly believe it.  The other part is extremely excited for the new year.  A clean slate.  Is there anything better?
I've been over here this morning working on a last minute year end project.  The bella cowl.  It's been frogged because for some reason when I grabbed my yarn and my coffee I decided to grab two balls of yarn.  And hold them both together.  Say what?  By noon I had a thick cushy piece of material.  I just couldn't understand why... Until I dug out the pattern.  My pattern.  OY.
Oh well.  In with the new.
Enjoy the last day of 2015, friends!

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  1. A clean slate indeed! Happy knitting and happy New Year! Wishing you the best with your project.

  2. It is exciting to think of a fresh, new slate and the possibilities of lovely and exciting things to come in 2016. Hau'oli makahiki hou.

  3. Happy New Year!! I love the idea of your Bella cowl being knitted with two strands of yarn, i bet it gives it a cool, marled look. Here's hoping all your knitting goes smoothly in 2016!

  4. back to the drawing board is not a bad thing in your case. :)

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