my to do list - a Friend to knit with

my to do list

Tuesday, December 01, 2015

Happy December!
I'm so excited this year. I'm even considering sending out cards! That's a pretty big deal considering I haven't done them for the last 5 years! And, we actually brought a tree home today. Already! I think this is the earliest we have EVER had a tree.

I sat down yesterday and came up with a short list of things I wanted to make.  Not a huge list, but big enough.
Would love to hear about your knit lists.  Do you have a favorite you love to knit.  Do you make many gifts?  What's on your list?  Do tell!  I'm sure we would all love to hear!

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  1. That's a lovely list on a lovely mat :-) I'll be making a No Purl Ribbed scarf for my father and that's it - the rest will be selfish knitting!

    1. oh! i just looked up the no purl ribbed scarf! love it, caroline! xx

    2. I like that no purl scarf too!

  2. I always make some washcloths for my mother in law, my husband's favorite aunt, and an aunt of mine who babysits my daughter. They are much anticipated by the receivers, and an easy gift to knit throughout the year. I try to limit myself....otherwise I want to knit everyone all of the things all the time. =/

    1. so fun! i have been into the washcloths to clean the Chalk Lots for a few friends! they are the best little take with you knit! xx

  3. This year, I decided on scarves for the girls and hats for the guys. I've got about 15 or so to do, so I opted for a super-bulky yarn that's warm, but works up very quickly. I'm about halfway done, so assuming there's no major interruptions to my knitting time, I should be able to finish in time. Then I think I'll knit something for me...I've got some gorgeous yarn just begging to become a sweater!

    1. i love a big list of matching things! fingers crossed you finish in record speed time in order to make yourself a sweater! xx

  4. I think you know I always knit mitts for the teachers. I'm making Katie the Margo poncho and not sure what to make Tristan. He's obsessed with having a cowl on but he told me specifically he doesn't want a knit one.

    1. giggling over the... doesn't want a knit one. i SO remember those phases. good new is... they come back around. libby wants me to knit her a sweater! music to my ears! xx ps... LOVE the margo poncho!

  5. A great list!

    I STILL am not doing cards this year. Maybe next year...

  6. I am trying to get cards out this year-- and to email the annual goofy newsletter. :) As for gifts-- hats, hats and more hats. Except the toddler-- our 2-year-old is so little that I can make him an article of clothing in the same time that it would take me to knit an adult a hat. I love knitting for the littles. :)

    1. awe! so the toddler gets sweaters! lucky him! xx

  7. I'm in the process of knitting a sweater...for ME! And, some little doll clothes for the sweet kitty I'm making for my niece. I think that is it, but you never know. I could always whip out some hats!

    1. So exciting, erin. And by the way... I'm still looking forward to seeing your poncho! xx

  8. I am going to try to make knitted coffee cozies for my baristas. No other gifts in the works but the mention of Christmas cards make me simultaneously joyful and want to hyperventilate. I have to host a Christmas party for 50 first. Then I'll cross the card bridge. Maybe New Years cards are in my future.

    1. a Christmas party for 50! now i'm starting to hyperventilate! :) xx

  9. Must be the year for celebrating. I'm putting together a mini photo shoot for a Christmas card (I never do Christmas cards)! I cannot wait to see the sweater you/Libby chooses! She has grown so much since the Libby sweater! Wishing you a wonderful holiday season!!!

    1. Awe. Thanks bekah! And hopefully you will post some pics from your shoot! xx

  10. I have had an idea for our Christmas card this year. Need to get the ohana on board. We didn't send one out last year b/c we were house hunting. I only knit about six gifts each yarn for my mum, SIL, little sister, Oahu aunty, toddler niece (year two), and baby nephew (added this year). Last year for the women were either shawls or mitts w/nail polish and hand cream. This year it's cowls and jumpers for the kids.

    1. i just LOVE the idea of nail polish and hand cream with mitts. a little beauty and handmade all in one! xx

  11. If you can get all these dittys done in time, you are a machine! Honestly, I'm knitting on my lunch hour, in my car, and at work and I'm still a tad concerned about getting two pair of socks finished!

    1. ha! lisa, i'm certain i could never have 2 pairs of socks finished in time! xx

  12. Your list is full of wonderful gifts ideas! I consistently knit for my sons' significant others as they appreciate it so much. One of those girls became an official daughter-in-law this summer after they had dated through their 4 years of college. And the other delightful woman has been dating my other son for 2.5 years. I have knit one of them a pair of Short & Sweet Fingerless Mitts, the other one is getting a pair of Whitman fingerless Mitts and I think one will be getting a hat too, while the other one will be getting a cowl. I have also knit beanies for my 3 sons and they have always loved them!

  13. Love love reading everyone's Knitting list.


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