chalk cloths

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Okay, I have something fun for your Chalk Lots!  Chalk Cloths!  They add the handmade touch to the gift that makes life even sweeter!  And you can whip one up for your Chalk Lot recipient in no time!
And, I have a great idea!  One set of Chalk Lots can be divided up into four gifts.  (4/set) They really make a great hostess gift.  Or gift for a friend.  Or a neighbor.  Or teacher.  Or boss.  Throw in a chalk cloth and an easel and they have a menu/reminder/inspiration board!

 White for Graham Cracker.
Black for Licorice.  
The Chalk Cloth pattern is just a standard wash cloth pattern.  I like to use Sugar'n Cream yarn.  Super durable. 
Last day to order Chalk Lots for Christmas delivery is probably Thursday.  If there is a question, please feel free to shoot me an email.

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  1. I WANT CHALK LOTS IN SWITZERLAND :-/ Hugs and kisses, Flurina

  2. I just found the gift tags you enclosed in my first chalk lots order several years ago! It made me smile!!!

  3. I just received the Chalk Lots I ordered for my daughter's new home! Now this is exactly what I need to add to make it extra special! Thanks for sharing such a sweet idea!

  4. Did you knit the sweater pictured in the post? If so, what's the pattern? It looks great! Happy holidays. Thank you for all the wonderful photography, posts, creative inspiration.

  5. I love this idea -- for anytime gifts. Hope you had a Merry Christmas. Wishing you every good thing in 2016

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