dinner in the forest - a Friend to knit with

dinner in the forest

Friday, July 10, 2015

 I've had a thing for pallet tables lately.  This pallet table was not my idea.  I saw it floating around on instagram.  And since I have my business set up in a warehouse full of pallets, I thought it would be fun to grab a few and throw a dinner party for Libby and her friends.
 I have been using this website for pallet inspiration.  I guess you can always find a pallet here or there.
And of course, the chalkboard place mats are available here or here.
 Their dinner was simple.  Just a few summer time light dishes.
 {Oh how I love my girls feet.}
 Libby's friend Maggie is quite the baker.  She brought a lemon poppyseed gluten free pound cake.  It was delicious.
And served with fresh strawberries from the farm.  The perfect ending.  
It really was quite magical.
And now, I want to have some girlfriends over and do it all again.

Have a happy weekend, friends.

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  1. What a magical evening!

  2. Idyllic!! Lovely of you to do that for your girl--we girls are so special!! Hope you do it again for your friends too!! Just great pictures, Leslie, for memories to last forever...

  3. Clever and super sweet.

  4. oh wow, this looks like it was an utterly unforgettable evening, pure magic!! How beuatiful!

  5. This is adorable! What a cute idea! Love that you're repurposing the pallets. And, so lucky that you got an evening that wasn't raining!!

  6. This is such a fun idea! I know a guy who has access to a bunch of beer pallets....I wonder if I could get him to cart some home.

  7. Fairy lights...I see those in your future for ambient lighting.

    I see many more table scapes in your future.

  8. This is dreamy!, I'd love to do this ( and dinner and dessert look delicious!)

  9. What a cute little picnic! I love that pallet table...so cute!
    Colourful too!
    I just finished my post and if you'd like...come and see what my hubby made me a few years ago out of old pallet boards. I love it and use it all the time!
    Bless you, and give that sweet dog a hug for me!

    All my heart,
    Deborah xo

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