summer '15

Tuesday, June 09, 2015

{Libby, Andrew and Libby's friend, Sarah.  Andrew's jump cracks me up.  Exactly the same since every year.}

The last day of school was Friday.  As much as I love routine, I love the laziness of summer way more.  So happy to have early mornings free for yarn and coffee.

Happy Day, Friends.

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  1. Happy summer! We have four more days of school and then finals. All will be over on the 19th! I love Andrew's phone in his pocket. A familiar sight around here!

  2. been waitin' for those jumps....

  3. Jumping for your joy here too! Bring on the summer!

  4. Hear, hear. Great photo. My girls and I have been waking up around eight, having breakfast, out to get our hearts pumping, home for snack, then some outdoor play while Mum knits a sock.

  5. I remember so clearly the thrill of the last day of school and the first day of summer. Nothing in adulthood has come close to that joyous sensation. Lovely photo.

  6. The slow mornings are the best, aren't they? Enjoy!

  7. Stephanie6/15/2015

    just saw your instagram photo......She's home......I have been hoping for her return to your family ever since I read that she had gotten glad you are all together again!

  8. Frauke6/16/2015

    Trouble is home - how wonderful! So happy for all of you!

  9. newknitter26/17/2015

    Wow that is sooo great I have been checking often to see whether she made it home yet, so happy for you all:)

  10. So happy for you!


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