
Friday, June 05, 2015

Well, another week flew by.  Is that happening for you, too?
A few of my favorites from this week:
finished a sweater :: celebrated Liesl's 21st b-day ::  searched for Trouble :: found a dog (not Trouble) ::  reunited him with his loving owner ::  yoga  ::  had the blues ::  watched a movie in the middle of the day ::  had the Rowlands for dinner  ::  drank champagne  ::  went to a film studio presentation  ::  pushed back a deadline  ::  made more almond milk  :: last week of school
 was reminded by Laura (hi Laura!) of dunkin platters (SO good!)  :: felt love ::  cried
packed the last school lunches of 2014-15 school year  ::  laughed  ::  picked up the first CSA of the summer  ::  made my first cauliflower pizza dough

Happy weekend, friends! 

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  1. oh! your sweater is beautiful. and i am sorry about trouble. i think of you often and keep praying that your sweet dog will be found. xo.

  2. Hi Leslie! 😉
    I fell like Trouble is coming back soon!
    (Am making Dunkin Platters today😊)

  3. Leslie,
    I just love visiting this space of yours. It just brings a little sunshine to my world. Even in the midst of your feeling sadness, you offer light and hope. Thank you for that.
    I continue to pray for Trouble's safe return. And I agree wholeheartedly with LFM ^ -- I feel it in my heart that Trouble is coming back soon. Keep the faith.
    Hugs to you.

  4. those cookies and sweater look great, but for different reasons, of course! I have faith that you'll find Trouble, it just might take a while. When my cat went missing, I updated my contact info for his microchip, and called all the animal shelters and the city animal control and blanketed the neighbourhood in full colour posters. The posters were what worked in the end, we got a call from someone a block away. You'll find him soon!

  5. I'm sorry Trouble is still missing. I haven't tried a slice and bake cookie yet. These look easy.

  6. Your sweater is so beautiful! I put the pattern in my queue :) I'm so sorry about Trouble and I hope she is returned safely to you guys very soon.

  7. Look at that beautiful sweater and at that header! I love the feeling of warmth and family I get from headless knitting photos on your blog. Still praying that Trouble is wearing out her welcome wherever she is and headed home soon.

  8. Susan M6/08/2015

    I keep thinking good thoughts and praying that Trouble will be returned to you.....

  9. I keep hoping for good news about Trouble. It was over two weeks before my missing cat returned. I had given up hope but he did come home. Thinking of you and like the others I feel that you will find him.

  10. Anonymous6/12/2015

    Hi! Lovely to see the sweater finished; the Amy Miller design is one I have favoured at revelry... would really like to make it!
    Enjoy the summer! Hege

  11. 6/16/15 - I just saw your post on Instagram - Trouble has returned. Yeah! I am so very happy for you.

    Mary Lea


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