our amazing planet - a Friend to knit with

our amazing planet

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Greetings from the beautiful state of Florida.  We met my mom and sisters for a few days of family time.  What a gift.  And, what a amazing world we all share.  SO grateful.  
I've been sprinkling a bit of sand into my Princess Fiona.  Finished the front and am onto the sleeves. 
And just like last year, I'd like to celebrate by offering you all 15% OFF your order of the chalkboard place mats.  It's an earth friendly product, made in the USA, that helps celebrate life.  Use them over and over to leave love notes, practice school work, play games decorate for the holidays.  It really is the gift of green.

Enter the coupon MIRACLE to receive 15% off of your order at checkout.  Coupon will expire on April 27, 2015.  Coupon code is good on either site.

Have a super beautiful Earth friendly day!

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  1. Oh my but Florida looks wonderful! I just looked at Princess Fiona and added it to my favorites--such a pretty pattern.

  2. Enjoy Florida and Happy Travels!!! Sprinkle some sand over this way, please.

  3. The Florida photo is beautiful. I have yet to visit that state. My husband travels once a year to Palm Bay to his mother company.

  4. I'm sure much of the state looks similar, but your photo popped up and I was instantly transported back to my Pensacola Beach vacation last year. Thanks for that.


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