the perfect love - a Friend to knit with

the perfect love

Thursday, March 19, 2015

It truly is a match made in heaven.  And this cookie may be one of our new favorites.  I had Andrew search for our cookie this week.  And this is what he came up with.  
 I read the reviews and followed some of the comments to freeze the peanut butter balls before assembling.  I definitely recommend that step.
 Then make the chocolate cookie dough and form into balls.
 Flatten and fill with one of the peanut butter balls.
Wrap the chocolate around the peanut butter (hello, love).  
 Surround the entire peanut butter ball and roll back into a ball.
Roll ball in sugar and bake.  
You then have the perfect, most delicious ball of goodness.  
See how some of the cookies are smooth and some are cracked.  The cracked cookies are the ones where I followed the recipe.  But then before I baked the second cookie sheet, I decided that perhaps my dough was too dry and I added 1/8 cup of softened butter.  (By the way, I only ever use butter.  Never margarine.)  They definitely contained the peanut butter better, but they were also a little crisper.  Both were amazing.  Honestly, amazing.   I was able to make 28 cookies today.  We have 8 left.

I'm thinking you should remove your butter from the fridge now.  So it will be soft for your weekend of knitting.  And baking.

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  1. Oh yummy!! These look delicious. I should be softening the butter right now.

    She Knits in Pearls

  2. These look very good. I stocked up on butter sticks recently but ours are reserved for oatmeal raisin cookies.

  3. I'm putting Kate on this! Those look amazing.

  4. Oh my they do look delicious! I'll have to give them a try.
    Thanks for the recipe and have a great weekend!

    All my heart,

  5. Those look like so much fun to make! I haven't had any type of peanut butter cookie in ages.

  6. Wow - these look awesome. In line after my doughnut muffins....

  7. I love seeing all of your baked goods ... these though, combine my fav flavors and I will definitely have to make these!!!

  8. oooh, these look SO good! thanks for the recipe link.

  9. Anonymous3/22/2015

    I misread "make" for "eat." Lol. Thought you ate 28! A record I'm sure.

  10. Yes please... holy cow those look good. Every time I stop by here I get hungry for either knitting or baking. Awesome combo.

    BTW, I've wanted to tell you that I have started making some fingerless mitts almost exactly the same as the group you recently made (with the LB yarn). They are great- such a lovely inspiration you are!

  11. Yum!! I need a knitting/baking weekend. Thanks for the inspiration :)

  12. I too never use margarine. Those look truly yummy


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