a new pair of socks - a Friend to knit with

a new pair of socks

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

These socks were four years in the making.  And the finished timing just couldn't have been more perfect.  Fall has blown in and has me feeling completely giddy.  
I wanted them super slouchy.  The pair that is worn in the mornings and evenings.  Thrown on in the autumn months before I get out the much needed Uggs for winter days.  
The yarn was gifted to me from my dear friend, Sifis.  I met Sifis first on line through his flickr groups.  And then I met him in person when my mom and sisters and I were visiting his beautiful country, Greece.  Sifis owns a lovely yarn shop in Athens that has been in the family for three generations.  Established in 1935.  That just makes my heart warm and makes these socks just that much more special.  A little bit of that amazing trip and his world, knit into each stitch.

Pattern:  Lion Brand free sock pattern
Yarn:  Lang yarns
Needles:  Size 2 double pointed needles

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  1. Maureen9/23/2014

    OKAY...you're killing me! Sending belated best wishes to Charlie on his birthday...and yes, your socks are beautiful, but time to come clean with your news! The suspense is killing me...make my day with all the delicious details...p-l-e-a-s-e!!!

  2. These socks are great!!! Very comfy and perfect timing.

  3. They are such lovely socks! The colours are great for this time of year too. xx

  4. perfect fall socks! and what maureen said. ;)

  5. A perfect way to start and end the day...Socks and tea!

  6. What a nice story for these socks!

  7. Ditto what Maureen said...

  8. Yes. Details & pics please! Oh and yes the socks are wonderful with a lovely history to them. But let's get back to that new gold band! ��

  9. They look so cozy! Love when the yarn reminds you of someone/something. I LOVE the colors!

  10. Newknitter29/25/2014

    I love these socks and the yarn is beautiful, so glad to see your in a happy place in your life ... Soooo fill us in


  11. They look super-cozy.

  12. I am totally with Maureen. Every word. Dish, already, woman!!!!

  13. Beautiful socks! Fall is in the air here too and it feels wonderful. I met Sifis on a trip to Athens several years ago...it is so fun to have fiber friends all over the world.

  14. Socks with a story. The best kind. We are not up to fall weather yet. I suppose that means I should be knitting now so that I'll be ready when cool weather does come.

  15. Fall is the best time of year!

  16. What a great back story to these socks.


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