may - a Friend to knit with


Saturday, May 31, 2014

I seriously don't know what has happened to May. I was thinking that it just flew by without much happening. I decided to look through my photos so that perhaps I could feel a little better.  And I did.
Life was lived.
Beautiful moments happened.

::  spent a weekend in kiawah :: rode bikes on the beach :: i knit ::  my parents came for a 10 day visit :: they brought their adorable dog lily :: we ate outside for the first time since last year  ::
 i made our favorite chocolate chip cookies, weekly :: we enjoyed a lovely mother's day ::
i survived Charlie's senior prom :: i worked.  a lot :: i knit :: the house was shown ::  i practiced yoga :: i made pancakes.  and ate five ::  i knit  ::  i cut libby's hair ::
 my car was taken to the doctor.  it still is not back ::  i won a yoga workshop with my handstand photo on instagram  :: i knit :: i contemplated eating a raw diet.  i tried it for three days  ::  i let andrew have more kids over than usual  ::  we went to see ingrid michaelson :: i laughed.  a lot ::  i ripped out my sweater  ::  i cast on, again :: 
we celebrated a friends birthday with wine, homemade ravioli and a delicious salad  ::  we decorated the house for memorial day  ::  we had fun contests  ::  i knit ::  we went to a memorial day parade to show love and support to all who serve and have served  ::
we gathered to remember those who served and celebrate our freedom  ::  we swung on an awesome tree swing  ::  i made vintage picnic food using my grandmothers recipe's  ::  fell in love with a wood watch ::  i went out on lovely dates with my guy ::  i knit :: we started counting down to summer break ::  i listened ::
 i picked the iris's from my garden as soon as they bloomed ::  i had a lovely visit from my friend Kristyn ::  i signed up for my CSA and can't wait till next week  :: i knit ::  i went to two wine tastings  ::  we planted basil  

May has been lovely.  Hope yours has been, too.

See you in June!

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  1. Sounds like a perfect month to me, I hope your June is just as lovely!

  2. that is one month full of good and happy! xo.

  3. Sounds like May was a lovely month - especially the chocolate chip cookies and knitting!

  4. Anonymous6/01/2014

    Beautiful post - and beautiful month!

  5. May sounded fantastic! June is bound to be great!

  6. I love how you know what you did by looking back at your photos. I try to take a photo a day but am not as successful as. You May was well lived!

  7. Leslie, your May reporting made a very good post.

    Do keep on doing fun things inside and outside, and of course, keep knitting.


  8. It looks as though you have had a wonderful May, your Irises are especially beautiful! Hope that your car is fixed soon and back with you. xx

  9. Sounds like May was really nice. It also sounds like you were pretty busy. That must be why it flew by so quickly.

    Happy June! :-)

  10. sounds like a perfect month, you did lots of beautiful, wonderful things! I loved this post.

  11. Anonymous6/04/2014

    I love this post! Thanks for sharing!

  12. Welllll…..I know someone who simply did not get enough of beautiful (inside and out) you in the month of May….maybe June ? :)

  13. It is amazing at how fast a month can go by. You were busy but had lots of fun built in.

  14. So glad to know there was a lot of knitting in your month of May. Love your new header too...

  15. Love the creativity in your post. "Life was lived"...photos give us the blessing of seeing that, don't they? Sorry we didn't snap a photo of our time together. So thankful for our visit. xo

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  17. Sounds like a perfect month to me, I hope your June is just as lovely!


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