it's time - a Friend to knit with

it's time

Friday, May 09, 2014

Everything has a time.  Along the journey we have been traveling the time has come to put our house on the market.  That has kept us extremely busy.  Three big purges (huge, really) have happened with the help of my awesome mother and sisters.  It feels great.

We will say goodbye to our loving home with a ton of awesome memories.  Looking forward to our future with excitement for the possibilities that lie ahead.

Happy feet.  Gotta have them.

The random number generator chose #21, Miso Crafty Knits.  Please email me with your address and I'll be sure happy feet will land in your mailbox.

Have a Happy weekend!

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  1. lots of love to you and your kids, leslie. i am sure great things await! xo.

  2. Been traveling similar journey...it's huge when it finally sells; overwhelming, really. The best is yet to be for you and your children! Hugs! Kelly

  3. I am happy that you and your kids are getting a fresh start. The best is yet to come!

  4. I hope that it all goes really well for you. xx

  5. I'm also in the process of selling the house I shared with my late husband for over 30 years. It isn't easy to let go...
    Best of luck to you!!!

  6. I feel a lump in my throat for you all. This whole cyber world is weird - I kind of feel like I 'know' this house from following you these past few years. You sound really upbeat and positive about the move. I know great things are ahead for your family. I look forward to seeing where you land.

  7. Oh, Leslie. I hope it goes quick and easy, without too many showings or those annoying buyers who need to see things 1,000 times before committing. Fingers crossed. And can't wait to see you on the other side.

  8. Wishing you nothing but the best

  9. Anonymous5/10/2014

    You're onto a new adventure -- congrats! :)

  10. It's bittersweet, I bet, but you and your family are tightly knit (no pun intended). Your story will continue to unfold in beautiful and memorable ways.

  11. Maureen5/13/2014

    Having walked in your shoes, I know this final move is difficult...so many memories. Remember the words of Dr. Seuss..."Don't be sorry it's over - be happy that it was." Sending you and your kids big hugs and wishing you only the very best that life has to offer. Wishing you peace...sending you love!


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