fashion crochet - a Friend to knit with

fashion crochet

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Okay "my friend to crochet with"! Please teach me! I have a hat on the hook that I started back in July. So far, I stink at learning. I'm gonna get it though. Yep. I am.

Fashion Crochet is a really beautiful book.  The projects are young and cool.  And inspired from the up-to-the-minute runway trends.
It's broken down into 4 different chapters with 30 different projects in total.  Wraps & Scarves, Accessories, Dresses, Skirts & Shorts, Tops & Jumpers.
There is a sketch of each project which is super fun to look at, along with in-depth instructions and ideas on how to make the project your own unique piece.
There is a wide variety of techniques including lace, granny smith squares, intarsia and hairpin crochet.  (Don't be fooled.  I have no idea what hairpin crochet is.  But, hey!  I'm willing to learn.)
Each project also has the inspiration photo from the runway from designers as diverse as Christopher Kane, Marc Jacobs, Gucci and Missoni.  (Those photos are fun to look at, too.)

If you are interested in receiving a copy of Fashion Crochet, please leave a comment between now and Monday, September 16, 5pm EST and the random generator number will choose a winner.

Have a great weekend!

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  1. This book seems really cool. I'm adding your blog to my blog list!

  2. Wow looks like a great book!! I learned to crochet about a year after I releared how to knit. I love them both! Knitting is my home though :-) I'd also love to learn hairpin crochet...broaden my crochet horizon! Thank you for the chance!

  3. Ooh! I haven't seen ths book yet but it looks great!

  4. It sounds really interesting! I've crocheted only hats, bags and decorational things yet. I'm very curious :).
    Rav id: vmarty

  5. That book looks wonderful. I've been meaning to expand my crocheting beyond granny squares haha!!

  6. Great book! I love the colour block top. Thanks for the giveaway :-)

  7. ok.....I think I'm gonna crochet!!
    xoxooxoxoxoox M

  8. I'm slowly learning to crochet. Knitting is so much easier! Love the book!

  9. Looks like a good book - I should learn to crochet too.

  10. Anonymous9/13/2013

    Oh I like this ! Thank you for the opportunity !
    Kim O

  11. Super fun! Still getting the hang of crochet-ing myself. :)

  12. Looks like a great great book! Thks :-)))

  13. That book looks wonderful!
    Thank you.

  14. That seems really interesting. I like the ideas for customization.

  15. Anonymous9/13/2013

    What a great giveaway! Thank you!
    twinsknit on Rav

  16. Yes Please!

  17. I learned to crochet when I was a kid, but haven't done it since. I guess I just remember some of the bad crochet yarns and patterns from the 80s. This books sounds like it would change my perspective.

  18. Ohhh..great book!
    Thank you

  19. Anonymous9/13/2013

    woohoo! this is good. the last thing i crocheted was a string bikini back in the 70's.
    ::blush:: i could use a refresher course. :) Char who loves toast

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  21. Oh mylanta, please add me to the list! I was bit hard by the crochet bug about two years ago and all of the projects look like a blast. This sounds like an awesome book!!

  22. Anonymous9/14/2013

    been hook'n since I was a little girl, you will get the hang of it don't give up, looks like a great book to add to my collection ShellyT

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  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. I would love this! My grandma taught me how to crochet as a child, and I picked it up again several years ago (I keep trying to learn how to knit, but it seems so much harder to me than crochet- but I'm determined, so maybe someday:)

  26. It looks like this book isn't your Grandma's crochet. Lots of wonderful
    items in there. Thanks for the chance to win!

  27. I love to crochet! I'd love this book. Thanks for the chance.

  28. Kaetlyn s.9/15/2013

    I'd love to try hooking maybe this book will help!

  29. Oh yes please! I actually quite enjoy the process of crochet, but knitting needles always seem to find their way into my hands first. Maybe some fresh inspiration would help. :)

  30. I haven't seen stylish crochet clothing in a long time!

    And hairping lace is where you crochet between two long pins, leaving you with a block of crochet up the middle with lots and lots of loops up the sides.

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