lemon ginger sand dollar cookies - a Friend to knit with

lemon ginger sand dollar cookies

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

I'm craving a trip to the beach.  The east coast shoreline.  Where we used to find sand dollars and shake the doves around.  I would love if my children were to experiment that.  I'm not actually sure it is even still legal to collect them.  
When I spotted these cookies in the Summertime Anytime Cookbook, I knew I had to give them a whirl.  The shape and flavors caught my eye.  Problem is, I have been on a gluten-free diet since April 1st to try to clear my eczema issues.  Yep, that darn skin issue that I was able to keep under control with  a magic steroid cream that a doctor, in San Mateo, California, developed and the attached Pharmacy created.  Problem was, the doctor passed away and the compounding pharmacy went out of business.  I called the office and begged and pleaded to get the name of pharmacist.  Offering monetary gifts and even place mats for her kids, and all the kids she knew, if she could just share his information.  I'm surprised she didn't have me arrested.  I'm sure she thought I was cRaZy.  I just HAD to have the cream and I couldn't find another Pharmacy that could duplicate it. (I swear he never gave his whole formula.)  I was a total addict of this magic cream. Anyhow, that was a couple of years ago.  I googled causes of eczema and one was gluten.  And, because I have had it all my life, decided to try the gluten free thing.  I did it for a few months and low and behold my eczema started to go away.  But then, I started to crave cookies and the good pasta and breads and it returned.  So, here I am at it again.  And in the end, clearing something the natural way is a much better way to go.  
This recipe was not gluten-free, however, i just used the gluten free flour and viola!  Gluten-free cookies!
I made them on the crunchy side, but if you prefer your cookies chewy, reduce the baking time by 3 minutes.  Here is the real recipe.  My substitution is in ( ).

::Lemon-Ginger Cookies::

1 stick unsalted butter
1 cup packed golden brown sugar
1 large egg
1/4 cup sour cream
1 tsp lemon extract
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 tsp grated lemon zest
1 3/4 cups all-purpose flour (I used 1 3/4 cup gluten free flour with 1/2 tsp zanthan gum)
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp cream of tarter
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp ground ginger
3 TBLS minced candied ginger

::Preheat oven to 350˚.  Cream together the butter and brown sugar until light and fluffy.  Add the egg, sour cream, extracts and zest.  In a large bowl sift together the flour, baking soda, cream of tarter, salt and ground ginger.  Add to the butter mixture along with the candied ginger and mix until thoroughly blended.  Roll into balls and flatten them down slightly with the palm of your hand.  (They spread, so leave some space.) Bake 12-15 min.  Carve sand dollar-like slits into the cookies with the tip of a knife before they cool::

Dream you're on the beach with eczema free hands.

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  1. Yummy indeed! I'm sorry about your magic cream. I hate it when stuff like that happens. But my ears (eyes?) perked up when I read you gave up gluten for eczema. When I read about the link between gluten and eczema years ago, I gave up gluten and my lifelong problem with eczema (and asthma) disappeared almost overnight. All my life I'd been a white flour addict, and I see now I craved the one thing that caused me such trouble. Another thing that helped was cutting out fruits from the nightshade family (tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant, and peppers). Tomatoes, esp. when cooked, cause flareups, but I can eat red peppers and potatoes. My vice is pasta, but I've grown to like rice pasta with homemade pesto. :)

  2. That's so crazy about the cream! What a shame the doctor never shared his secret miracle formula. :( But I'm glad you were able to find an alternative treatment!

    The cookies sound aaaaawesome, and are adorable, too! Yum.

  3. I'm so glad you have a treat you can enjoy!

  4. I love this recipe Leslie. I hope you don't mind if I pin it! :)

  5. They look delicious! What a bugger that the magic ezcema cream died with the Dr!

  6. Oh, my gosh, I am just haunted by the story of your magic cream! I HATE when companies change formulas or stop making things, but to up and DIE on you so you have no hope it'll ever return?! That is just plain wrong. Especially if it means you now have to give up cookies. ARGH! Please tell me it doesn't affect the wine intake? Cuz that would just be intolerable.

  7. I am gluten free too, it's amazing how being gf clears up a host of ailments! Have you read Wheatbelly? Do.

  8. Those burdens we carry with us, sigh. I hope the gluten-free diet is a solution for you. I bet lemon and ginger combine deliciously in this cookie. Cheers to a real trip to the beach soon.

  9. I know this sounds too simple, but one of the best cures for eczema (at least topically)is olive oil!!!

  10. I've just put two and two together - you designed the Libby Sweater?! Obviously I love that sweater ... it's named after me right?! ;) It's super cute and has been on my list of must knits for my girls since I first spotted it. Fab.

  11. oh they look yummy! I've been on a gluten free diet for 16 years, and every so often you come across a new recipe that is a life changer, I'm going to try this one soon!

  12. Anonymous5/02/2013

    Craving an East Coast beach day, too! I want to make these cookies - they're so summery and I bet the lemon and ginger combination tastes great!

  13. I didn't know there was a link to gluten to eczema. I've had eczema for years. No fun. I'll have to do some research!

  14. You take awesome food photos. These look yummy, and I could really use some sand between my toes.

  15. Printed this - going to try it this weekend! Thanks.

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