a snow day, cinnamon scones and a couple of winners

Wednesday, March 06, 2013

The phone rang at 5am.  After making the rounds to turn off alarms, I fell back asleep in a quiet house until 8am.  It was lovely!  
Cinnamon scones were requested. Mostly by my stomach.   (I left off the cinnamon/sugar topping.)
Perfect for a slow morning.  
For the rest of the day, I pretty much did nothing.  Libby curled my hair.  I drove kids.  I knit 10 rows of a hat that I look forward to sharing.  Answered a few emails.  Leftovers for dinner.  
It was the best.  
Have I ever told you I LOVE snow days!

The random number generator chose two numbers/names.  
#6 Kelly and #68 Gina.  
Please email me (address in sidebar) with your address and I will make sure you receive this fun book!

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  1. sounds like a pretty perfect day!

  2. Those scone photos do encourage me to do some baking. It is wonderful to get off to an early start on a snow day. I woke up early today to discover that the forecast overnight snow had not materialized. The sidewalks are bare.

    So, I've got early morning laundry underway rather than baking.

    I also really liked seeing the photo of you on the front steps of Purl. How I wish I'd known you'd be there, since I work very nearby. Maybe next time you're in the neighborhood we might meet?


  3. Happy sleep in and the scones look delicious!

  4. That sounds heavenly!! I wish we had snow days here in San Francisco...

  5. Yum! That looks really good.

  6. Doreen3/08/2013

    Those look so good - love scones!

  7. The scones look lovely! And I love snow days too.


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