for the knitters in your life

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

I just had to share a couple of cute, fun gifts I got for Christmas this year.  They both make me giggle when I look at them.
A retro tin bank.
I'm savin' up for knitting lessons.

I'm not exactly sure if the gentleman said to the woman or vis a vera... but one said to the other, "is wool your dirtly little secret, too?"  (I sort of dig their sweaters.)
This side of the tin says, "Ever fantasized about knitting your own work clothes?  Or instantly whipping up some winter mitts and matching scarf?  Don't fool yourself, it's gonna take some serious money to learn how.  That's where we come in with our easy-to-use Magic Wool Fund.  We'll have you savin' up before you can holler, knit one, purl two. You love wool?  That's your problem.  Our problem is helping you find the funds."  
Love this girl on the phone.  She is speaking to someone who is gonna come through for her.  "I need a half gram of wool and quick!  I'm starting to come down..."
This tin was from Blue Q.  
And this tote that I think is so funny.  I get such a kick out of it.  My sweet friend let me know that she purchased it here.  But when you get on that site, you should be afraid.  SO many cute things!

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  1. Ha! Fun. Love that couple, and the tote.

  2. PS I did not create that link to the word "tote" in my comment. I've seen strange links all over Blogger today. Hmmm...

  3. My husband bought this tin for me a few years ago. I still chuckle every time I look at it. I have even had a couple of friends put money in it.

  4. Okay, that tin is hilarious. Very cute bag, too! Both great knitting gift ideas!

  5. OMG! The bag had me laughing so hard. Love both those gifts - very cheeky!

  6. Linda in waterloo1/23/2013

    Thank you for the Toast pattern. Happy New Year!

  7. I don't know which I love more!

  8. Holy cow. I got sucked into the time warp of that website. Readers of Leslie's blog--take heed of her warning. She is serious!

  9. These are great for all us women warriers and knitters! Thanks for sharing.

  10. OMG! a curling sweater!
    such cute gifts!

  11. Aaaaaaahhhh, that tin is hilarious!!!

  12. This is a very very fun blog to read. My team found it very beautiful and nice.

  13. What a coincidence......I'm saving up for knitting lessons too!!

    ps and I agree with az seo

    xoxox M

  14. Your friends know you well. Knitting gifts it is!

  15. I promised myself to be more frugal this year. Yarn never occurred to me to be a place to cut! I'm just going to buy with purpose. Trade my hard liquor for yarn! I'm golden!

  16. So fun! thanks for sharing. now I want the bank too...

  17. This made me laugh! Too cute.

  18. Those are great. I definitely need the tote.

  19. Isn't it the greatest when people truly appreciate hand knit gifts!?

  20. I love the tin! Going to search the tinterweb to see if I can find one over here in the UK! Very cool.

  21. Anonymous2/23/2016

    Nice article. This is so much more than I needed! But will all come in use thanks!
    Cashmere Sweater Women


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