just like that it's november

Tuesday, November 06, 2012

And just like that, my favorite little girl turns fifteen.

Just like that.

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  1. I love how full of tradition you make birthdays! praying a year full of blessings on #15!

  2. Anonymous11/06/2012

    She's so beautiful, and I beg she's a great kid. Congrats on her b-day.

  3. Anonymous11/06/2012

    Mine turned 27 just yesterday and is getting married soon. Just like that. Happy Birthday to Libby! (There is a lot more fun to go!)

  4. Beautiful cake. Beautiful, beautiful girl. Happy Birthday!!

  5. Mine turned 15 last month - Libby is lovely! Hope she had a splendid birthday. BTW sent you a message on Ravelry with a small world story.

  6. Oh, she looks just like you! Hope she's as sweet as you are, too! Happy, happy Libby!

  7. Happy birthday, Libby! Hope you have a wonderful birthday celebration. Make it last as long as you can.

  8. Maureen11/07/2012

    What a lovely daughter you have - Happy birthday, Libby! She has matured so much since the Libby sweater was created...and all in the blink of an eye!

  9. aw happy birthday sweet girl, happy birth day to you too mama :)

  10. happy birthday to libby! she's beautiful, leslie. hard to believe that she's 15!

  11. aw happy birthday to Libby!

  12. Hi Leslie, I love your blog, and I have been following it for about a year. I am a very beginner knitter, and would love to get some tips, pointers, etc from you. I am really good at making scarves, and would love to be able to expand beyond scarves! :)
    Thank you!

  13. 15?! Ah, the time just keeps flying by, doesn't it?!
    My Libby will be 12 soon...

    Happy birthday to your beautiful girl!

    (it's ali of skeins her way, btw, miss connecting w/you!)

  14. Hi Leslie I love your blog and you always keep me wanting more. =0) Your daughter is so beautiful! Mine is 9 and it makes me all teary thinking one day she'll be that grown up!
    I know you try to keep your life private and I know I'm being nosy but I'm really dying to know what you do for a living. Like, dying here. I imagine you working in a coffee shop or a bank. Is that weird that they are so opposite ha!

  15. Oh yes, I've got a girlie who just did that,too! It's an interesting time, 15...

    Best to Libby for a great year!


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