getting organized - a Friend to knit with

getting organized

Thursday, September 06, 2012

Five knitting bags were cleaned out.  Each housing a different project.  Yep, I start some that just never make it to the finish line.  It's amazing what I had in those bags.

Enjoy your weekend!

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  1. I have that same problem here!
    I just found a project that I had been missing since June in a neglected knitting bag.

  2. Anonymous9/06/2012

    I'm sorry, but the caption on your photo is wrong. You can never have too many knitting bags!


  3. Love this picture!! What a fun thing to do, you never know what is hiding in those bags! I agree with Robin, you can never have too many knitting bags, especially ones by Offhand Designs, my fave!

  4. Did you find stuff you forgot you had?

  5. I'm glad I'm not the only one who finds an entire yarn shop's worth of stuff when I clean out my knitting bags... It all looks lovely anyway!

  6. For some reason I thought you were a one-project-at-a-time girl, not me either! I love your big knitting bag, I have one in pink from Offhand, it fits a mountain of knitting!

  7. Wow! That's a lot...thanks for noting your nail polish color too! :)

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I think my knitting bags would turn out just as much stuff.... not sure if I'm brave enough to empty them yet!

  10. I did the same thing yesterday. I still LOVE your green OHD bag! Happy Weekend!

  11. I just cleaned out my yarn stash it was definitely cathartic.

  12. Love the perspective you shared in the photo. And the toes. And the labels. And how nice to have a clean slate, um bag!

  13. Haha, what treasures lurk in knitting bags.

    I think this is why I only own 1 bag, and I carry it everywhere with me :D

  14. I'm glad I'm not the only "bag lady". I love your captions.

  15. Oh my! I need to do this is a big way too. Thanks for the inspiration...maybe I'll do it next month lol!

  16. I wish I could say I can't relate to this but unfortunately.....
    I have at least 3 poor little projects still undone.
    And isn't there a perfectly good reason for each one?
    Let's see: 1. Too boring 2. Don't like the border and it's too much work to go research a different one. 3. Uh-oh, I think I've messed something up and I'm too lazy to figure it out.
    This photo was fun.
    (I have that exact same OHD bag!)

  17. Don't even get me started. I spent a year knitting up all my UFOs and getting all my needles back in the case. And then turned around and started about 10 new projects. Maybe I should get rid of some of my knitting bags! Jennifer

  18. This is fascinating, Leslie! I'm so glad I'm not the only one who has unfinished projects and a million pens and highlighters (that I can never find when I need them).

    In my head, you've never got more than one project going . . . so this was a surprise!

  19. This is kind of like going on a treasure hunt! So many forgotten things.

  20. I have about 5, 6 or maybe 7 totes that are filled with crochet and cross-stitch and material ... getting organized is always a problem around here. Have a great day. Tammy

  21. This is something I really must do - I have the bags on the go, the bags with the end of the last thing finished, the bags with who knows what in!

  22. Maureen9/08/2012

    I'll forever be a "bag lady" I guess...but to help tame the contents, I filled clear plastic pencil boxes with stitch markers, stitch counters, tape measures, etc., etc. - all the things I need for every project. And yes, of course, I also have several bags with unfinished projects! Time to get moving - thanks for the push!!!

  23. glad i'm not the only one. ;)

  24. Great picture! It is amazing to see all the things that have been stashed in bags and forgotten about for weeks- even years!

  25. Inspiration. I need to do this with my entire closet. And perhaps the kitchen cabinets.

  26. I don't have a problem with organizing my knitting, it's just organizing my paper cluttered room.

    Looks like you got it under control.


  27. The only point where I start feeling I have too many unknown project bags is when I can't find the right needles for a new project.

    Who knows where my 4.5mm circ tips have gone...

    Makes me want to buy more bags though ;)

  28. Oh I love this post.....it has given me inspiration to sort out all my knitting bags ...six separate project bags at the moment..goodness knows what i'll find in there!

    Fleur xx

  29. Hi Leslie!
    I love your blog and I´ll be here again!
    Kiss, Minie

  30. I definitely need to put "get organized" on my list of things to do. HAHA!

  31. guilty, guilty, guilty. it's on my must do list. get organized.


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