well, hello there

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Hello, you.
Hello, April.
Hello, goodbye spring break. THAT was fast.
We spent it at home this year and I must admit, I liked it. It was a taste of what summer is... in our home. We checked some things off our list. The adventures weren't as often as I would have liked, but that's okay.

I did manage to finish a couple of small projects.
Susie's reading mitts were fun. I used some angora I found in the stash and made them pretty long. 12 inches to be exact. Instead of knitting a thumb, I opted for just a small opening for the thumb. Accomplished by switching from knitting in the round, to knitting 4 rounds in stockinette. Easy, peasy.
Those mitts can really be knit in a few days.
And I think that makes the perfect little gift for a very sweet friend.

I'll be back. I have recipes, a book to give away and a new project to share.

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  1. Hey lady. I've missed you. We should catch up soon. xoxo

  2. Well hello there back!
    So nice to see you again and your pretty new mitts.
    Also loving the lilacs in the header.

    Hope your spring is fresh and lovely!

  3. I was out smelling my mom's lilacs just yesterday! they are my favorite. you've been busy and knitting! yeah for you!! happy april!!

  4. Beautiful mitts, especially love the pink ones! Happy April!

  5. From top to bottom of this post, it's good to see you, Ms. Friend. Love the mitts and the spring break summary. xo

  6. I haven't made a pr of susie's reading mitts yet. They are in my queue though. Lovely lilacs above. They are my favorite flower. They aren't near ready yet here. I told the hubs when we first met if he could suprise me with lilacs for my b-day (feb 2) I would be impressed :)

  7. Good to have you back.

  8. Glad to see you back. I have those mitts in my queue - I think they will make great teacher gifts.

  9. Anonymous4/12/2012

    Oh how I have missed you! Glad to see you are still knitting a little and having fun with your kids. Our lilacs bloomed very, very early this year and are already gone. WAAAAHHH! They were in full glory though, like never before. ~hugs, Jan

  10. hey sweets!
    missing you and thinking good thoughts for you always.

    love the mitts and the great colors you're surrounding yourself with!


  11. Love the pink! You have reminded me I need to make a few pairs of these too. Such cute photos!

  12. oops! Thank you for the pattern!

  13. Love the knit reading gloves!!! Will be making these for my girls and me!

  14. So nice to see you again and your pretty new mitts.

  15. Happy April to you too. Hope you are enjoying the lovely weather. Love the mitts - I am a sucker for fingerless mittons. x

  16. Those mitts look super cozy!

  17. the angora mitts look so snuggly! :) x

  18. so nice!!! beautiful!!!


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