
Thursday, January 05, 2012

Cheers to all the lovely knitters, crafters and peeps out there that visit this space. (And, those that don't, too!) Thanks so much for the inspiration you give me... and for letting me feel like I inspire some of you!

Here's to a healthy and happy 2012!

{Below, a really great email from Char, someone that stopped by my little space. To me, this sums up knitting. The warmth, the ease and the feeling we all get when we create something. Even the simplest can be oh so rewarding. Thank you, Char.}

dated December 30, 2011 8:38:37 AM EST


Could it actually be that easy? After making mittens, gloves, fingerless mitts could Toast be just too, too simple?

I noticed that while walking trails in the fall, and strolls on the beach in the cooler blustery days that I usually tugged my shirt sleeves over my hands or stuffed in in my pockets. I wasn't ready to get out my winter gloves yet. I decided that this looked like a job for Toast. At home I scrounged through my knitting stash and found some of my favorite wooly heavier yarn. I love wooly yarn. I am definitely happy that wooly yarn likes me.

I whipped up my Toast and used it on my next outdoor walk. It was great! If my hands felt chilled the toast covered them. If I was getting too warm I pushed Toast up so my hands got more air. I found Toast to be much more practical for me. If I wore Toast while on errands, I didn't have to take them off. I just pushed them up again so that my hands were free.

This winter I think I will use Toast over my dress leather gloves.

Okay, one day I did manage to lose some Toast. One fell out of my coat pocket at a restaurant. ::sigh:: I simply went home and made more Toast. That didn't take long. I am a little giddy thinking of the day when all I have is mismatched Toast. The creative ideas are limitless for color!

I have found Toast is warmer than the fingerless mitts that I have had in the past. by pulling further down over my hand it covers my thumb better and holds in more heat. I am so glad you gave us Toast. I never would have tried it if I hadn't found it on your site. Thank you!

From a very toasty reader,

Okay... so let's get knitting.
How about having a supply of mismatched toast. Love that.

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  1. I love the idea of mismatched Toast! Time to knit.

  2. The needles are already flying - thanks for being in this space, Leslie - I love love love coming here! I also love your 365 projects - I just completed my first year and looking back at all those photos puts a real smile on my face and a little tune in my heart.

  3. The only thing I know about knitting is casting on. I wish I knew how to knit in the round and understand how separating onto three needles would work out. Hopefully this year I can take time to figure it out for real so I can have me a pair!! Happy New Year Leslie!

  4. Here's to knitting!

  5. Cheers to you! I love Toast and have made several pairs - wonderfully versatile.

  6. Very cute post :) I've been working on something similar to your toast with half fingers and thrumming with angora....mismatched of course.

  7. have always loved toast - i made several pair a few years back - but never for me!! time to revisit that...

  8. What a sweet note to receive. I, too, love my Toast. I wear mine daily (knit out of CEL Portland) and people are always asking me, "Where did you get them? I need a pair!" Although mine are still looking lovely, I've got another skein of Portland in amethyst for my next pair.

  9. What a sweet email! I've made many Toast but none for me! This is the year of my Toast! Thank you for the great pattern!

  10. That was a great email to share. Cheers, Leslie!

  11. Thank you, Leslie! I love to wear my toast while running. When my fingers are cold I pull them down. As I warm up I push them back. Perfect.

  12. I loved the e-mail too! Happy New Year!

  13. Have a wonderful 2012! And a happy à votre santé to all knitters!

  14. Leslie, Your blog continues to inspire me. Love visiting and reading your stories like "Toast". I have finally taken up knitting. My first piece is a basic shawl made with alpaca wool. Happy New Year!

  15. A toast to the new year and your toast are still very high on my "to knit"-list, but first babygirl needs a scarf. Who knows maybe I'll make her a pair of toast to! Toast led me to your site and I still love to read your posts. Have a happy new year! Karen.

  16. Anonymous1/06/2012

    Ok, that email did it! I have made countless pairs of Those Mitts for both men and women, but now I know I must make some toast! I know that message had to make you feel fifty feet tall. You ARE incredibly talented, sweet and just plain awesome~and darn, I have missed you the past couple of very busy months! Toast to our Friend! Hugs from this one~Jan

  17. What a great comment to the Toasts and to you. Thanks for sharing that comment. We too have made a few pairs of toast, my daughter and all her friends love them. They look great with a multiple of outfits, whether its going out for a walk at the beach or heading out for dinner. Thanks, from another Toasty Lover.

  18. What a wonderful email to receive! I have had Toast on my list of to-do patterns for quite awhile. Even though it feels as though Winter has ended here in the desert (70/80's at the moment), I feel the need to bump it up to the top!

  19. First, happy new year dear Leslie!
    Second, Char sounds like a doll. That is the sweetest email and makes me wish I took the time to thank more of my fellow crafters.
    Third, I have made countless Toast and don't own even one pair. Every one wants them!! They are so great, Leslie.
    Fourth, am I the only one who read Glovers Lane's comment and want to just sit right down with her immediately and teach her to knit on dpn's? We could have her halfway through her first Toast in about 15 minutes. Promise.
    Umm, sorry I am going on and on here - I'm just so happy to see your post!

  20. you are inspiring! thank you! and what a lovely email, i wish i would have written it. :)
    happy new year leslie!

    p.s. thank you for toast, there are pairs around the world i've made and given. and always so appreciated. such a wonderful pattern!

  21. Happy 2012 to you as well! I really can't wait to see what you get up to this year.

  22. Cheers to you! I need to toast you for the great Toasty and Those Mitts, patterns. Love! I've never knit Toast, but now I'm inspired. Thanks!

  23. Really enjoying your blog!

    Yay Knitting!

    Follow my blog:

  24. Knitting like crazy over here....can you believe I'm already stashing a few things away for Christmas 2012! I love Toast too! Haven't made any in a long time......better make a pair for myself while I'm thinking of it....I keep giving them away :)

  25. Happy New Year Leslie :)

  26. Toast and Toasty are great for our west coast winter climate...I love both patterns!
    Happy New Year to you Leslie!!

  27. Anonymous1/10/2012

    Cheers! Happy New Year! I LOVE her sentiments! This is why we knit!

  28. Happy New Year to you! Hope it's a toasty one! I knit a pair of toast for Christmas and I'm starting another pair for myself...mine keep getting taken by my teenage daughters!

  29. Happy New Year and happy knitting to you. x

  30. I knit "Toast" a couple times and it is my favorite mitt pattern. As you said, it's cozy, cuddly, and you can pull your hands down inside to make it cover everything. Or, leave your fingers poking out. It's up to you!I have a couple pictures on Ravelry.

  31. Loved reading this post! I had to whip up a pair and am wearing as I type. Thank you for a great pattern:)

  32. Danielle1/21/2012

    Toast is one of my favorite patterns and I have made many pairs! However, the links to Toast, Toasty, and Those Mitts patterns are no longer working.


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