thankful - a Friend to knit with


Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Goodness gracious. Where did that month go?
Thanksgiving was spent in Florida. There really is so much to be thankful for.

A photo was taken to let you know how thankful I am. I can't believe I'm just now getting here to let you know. I love this community we are all a part of. I feel very blessed to be a part of it.
So, tomorrow's a big day. The countdown begins.
I have a hat and some fingerless gloves on the needles.
How about you?
Who's knitting what?
Please let us all know.
And, thanks so much for stopping by.

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  1. I would be thankful also if I were in Florida, but alas, I'm not.

    The beach does look soothing behind you though; thanks for sharing.

    I'm working on a vest, socks, and an afghan.

  2. Hi Leslie! I'm grateful too. I wore my new Einstein coat for the first time today and though of you and your headless photos. :-) Lots of small knits going and big plans for more. As always. Cheers!

  3. I'm working on christmas ornaments and some mohawk hats! It's the new big thing around my family :)

  4. An Aidez on the needles at home and a shawl and a scarf for travel. Happy Holidays!

  5. It is definately a crazy time of year and there is a lot to be thankful for, but alas my knitting basket is not feeling thankful and is fitting in with the overstuffed and full feeling we all tend to get at this time of year. I have a skirt, 2 boleros, a cardie and a 2 jumpers, a second sock and a tablecloth on the go in my basket at the moment and they are all feeling very neglected lol.

  6. I am thankful for everyone in my life. On my needles are a pair of socks, scarf,pocketbook and a teddy bear.

  7. Alas, I don't really know how to knit, but I love to read your blog! One day I will learn how to knit, and I'll make some of the beautiful sweaters I see here. Happy Holidays!

  8. We're expecting 8 inches of snow tomorrow morning so it'll be a perfect day to start a new Thorpe and finish up the Evangeline fingerless mitts that I just adore!
    Have fun with your knits. ... just curious which patterns you're working on now.

  9. I have a sweater for my 8 year old daughter in the final stages, and probably a couple of hats for brothers to knit, but other than that, a single Wintergreen mitten to knit as a gift to myself (the other one has been done for weeks, lol.)

  10. Anonymous11/30/2011

    I can't imagine being in Florida at this time of year but it looks beautiful! I've finished my Christmas knitting and am on to a baby hat for a wee one due in January. And then: Kaffe Fassett's Wentworth for me, yummy yummy....

  11. I've got some toasty on my needles...Maggie's best friend requested a pair for Christmas. So thankful for your talented generosity! Happy December!

  12. Wow, tomorrow is December 1st... scary.

    I have to get started on some socks, hoping to have be my only knitting project so that I can definitely get them done for Christmas. With 4 kids it can be hard to get some knitting time in, especially since the socks are for my husband (and he actually looks at and asks about what I'm making).

    I have to say, I would love to knit up a few ornaments for us and for gifts though.

  13. Thankyou! - your blog is such a bright spot. I'm making a few cowls for xmas, and some socks.just finished 2 children's sweaters for charity.

  14. hi there, you!
    so you got to be with family over thanksgiving.
    I have a long cardi on the needles (pipibird's snowbird) for me, but I need to get some toast on the needles.
    everyone always wants some!!

  15. um, meant to say "so glad you got to be with family...."

  16. Hi all! My Thanksgiving was a very nice one and there is certainly so much to be thankful for! Right now, I am working on the Debbie Bliss Broken Rib Cardigan for my man and the Plain Talk Ruffle Mittens from Boutique Knits. Holiday knitting is in full swing!

  17. Yesterday I finished a baby knit. It's now blocking, yé! I also have a pair of mittens in progress since last January! I am thankful for so many things! Life is good to me!

  18. I live in FL and my knitting has been a lot heavier this year since our daughter is attending university up in South Dakota... my beach bunny is freezing her tail off!!

    I've finished an original design cowl for her, I've got a sweater just over halfway done for my husband, I've got a newsboy hat to make for my youngest, I made a dishcloth for my mama and I'm debating if I'm going to bother with making teacher gifts this year.

    Plus, I've got Nerd Wars going on over on Ravelry which has been great fun - and a fabulous motivator!

  19. I get spoiled living in Arizona. It is magnificent here right now. I have finished two of the three sweaters I want to make for my children for the holidays. I am working on a few smaller gifts for nieces and nephews before starting the final sweater. Thus far, I am feeling doo.

  20. I'm STILL knitting a lace shawl for a gift. Have to get that done!! feeling SO thankful for you!! Merry! Merry!

  21. I too am thankful for you! Your blog is one of my favorites :) This holiday season, I'm working on a Christmas stocking for my husband - and I swear that is it this time.

  22. I'm envious of your Thanksgiving spot! I want you to know that I really like your blog, and it's one of my favorites! I'm in a sea of indecisiveness regarding what to knit for the holidays, but so far I have socks, tiny snowmen, and fingerless gloves on the needles.

  23. The time does go by so quickly! It's really amazing.
    I will be finishing up Avery (an infinity scarf) soon I hope!
    Happy holidays to you and your family!

  24. Too much to work on as always. At the top of the list - finish 4 sparkly Christmas stockings & some sox that are a gift for a friend. Hoping to knit a sweet baby gift for my new niece too!

  25. Oh it looks so wonderfully sunny where you are!
    I just finished up my first mitten, I found the perfect quick little pattern from knitty for someone who has never done mittens before, the time simply flew by. So now I know exactly what to give as gifts this year!

  26. I've got a scarf and socks on the needles.

  27. I've been making slouchy hats for everyone. The Rikke hat out of Tosh DK is addictive. I just want to knit another one and another one...

    Glad you had a lovely Thanksgiving! We spent ours near the ocean with family, too, for which I am very thankful.

  28. Working on socks and a small drawstring bag that I will fill with lotion and lip balm type stuff. Finished some hats and socks. Maybe a pair of gloves...or not.

  29. I'm knitting two "tiny tea leaves" cardis for my girls, one pair of "flocked mittens" for my mother and a "Mr. Woodhouse's Scarf" for myself because I love all things Jane Austen:) Quotations are for those Ravelry lovers. Happy Holidays!

  30. I'm still trying to finish the never-ending husband sweater, started a baby blanket, and a red Malibrigo cable pullover for me.

  31. I am very thankful. Love the beach photo! I have fingerless gloves on my needles, and leg warmers for a tiny dancer.

  32. Anonymous12/02/2011

    Awesome shoulders!! I'm sure you work hard at those! Guess I need to get in gear with the weights! :))

    I have Pipibird's Circumnavigate in gray on the needles for one of my daughters. Next is Mara, by Madelinetosh, for my mom in a blue! Christmas is marching so close so quickly! YIKES!

    Thankful for all our blessings!~Jan

  33. Tricia U.12/03/2011

    So much to be thankful for! Just finished up a couple pair of socks, with one being my first pair of argyle. So cute! Just ordered yarn for Aidez (thanks for the inspiration) and can't wait to get started. I'm also working on "Malabrigo Loafers" (cocoknits.com) that will make great Xmas gifts. They're so adorable, fast and easy. The yarn is oh sooooo soft and the colors available are just beautiful.

  34. Hi, Leslie. I actually just started a new blog and am looking to join the knitting community. Yours was the first that I ran onto and I really enjoy what I've read so far.

    As for what I have on my needles... Well... I just started a new Cookie A sock pattern (Pointelle from Knit. Sock. Love.) and I ABSOLUTELY ADORE everything about it. It is the most challenging pattern that I've taken on yet, but I'm about halfway to the toe on the first one. So far, so good. Now I just have to decide whether I'm going to gift them in the spirit of the holiday or take them to my grave. haha

  35. I know. How is it December already, and 5 days in? I'm just beginning my first set of fingerless gloves with my first skein of Madelinetosh yarn...

  36. hey leslie! I am working on a pair of socks and now a hat! christmas knitting here I come!

  37. First time commenting:
    I have a scarf and a pair of fingerless gloved. Both are holiday kitting. Aidez, for me, is next!

  38. Hi, weather here in Shetland Isles is VERY wet and windy. I'm thankful that I live in a small cozy house!
    I'm currently knitting a shaded Shetland wool shawl in pure natural un-dyed colours of Shetland sheep. Please feel free to visit my blog, A Yarn over Needles. It's a relatively new blog but I think you will find something of interest. Please comment and follow. I love hearing from all you knitters out there!!
    Thank you.

  39. Hmmm so about two weeks late to leave you a comment! I am working on a shawl for yes... Xmas. I think I like it enough to give it, but I am not sure...Hopefully I will decided soon to get an alternative!

  40. I am knitting your Toast wrist warmers. I am a beginner to knitting and have NEVER finished a project as it always goes wrong! So far so good though. Your pattern maybe my saving glory! And they´re so cool!

  41. I think that feeling grateful is a great way to stay positive. I love the photo of the leaves in your previous post, wonderful! I am presently knitting my striped diamonds! Vanessa xxx

  42. I hope everything is ok Notice you haven't blogged in awhile. Miss your words


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