this morning - a Friend to knit with

this morning

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Our extremely, exiting way to start the day.
And, a finished project that just needs to be sewn together.

Have a beautiful weekend!

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  1. Seriously, you got snow?!
    We (Denmark) normally don't get any before after Christmas.. I so wish we had it during Christmas to help the Christmas spirit:)

  2. This is the first snow I see this year (on my computer that is), I'm slowly getting in the mood for the holiday season. Here it is a mild autumn, 16C outside, we'll probably have to wait quite a while before we will see the very first snow here in the Netherlands. But there were a lot of chestnuts falling from the trees, so I'm expecting a cold winter. Greets!

  3. We had snow a few days ago and more is expected to fall tonight. Have fun with it. Hope all is well!

  4. Wow, so early for snow. We have sun shining, temps have dropped this weekend but will be back in the 70's next week! I can't imagine getting snow for Halloween, we're usually still wearing flip-flops here!!

  5. What a perfect morning! (minus the snow for me, not really a fan! We're getting it where I'm from too)

  6. How pretty! I'm sure it puts you in the mood for finishing up that wonderful sweater. :)

  7. Anonymous10/29/2011

    The snow~UNBELIEVABLE! Can't wait to see more photos!~Jan

  8. Snow?!?!? Crazy! It will be 88 today and 90 tomorrow. Yikes. I am eager to see the finished sweater. Beautiful color.

  9. Anonymous10/29/2011

    i'd love to wake up to a snowy morning. lucky you.

  10. whoo hoo! can't wait to see the finished aidez!
    hope you had some cocoa to celebrate the snow :)

  11. Oh, looks like fun! We're still waiting for our first dump of snow ;)

  12. This is just fun! I'm having a lovely time cooking and knitting. I'm sure in March I won't be saying this.

  13. It's snowing as I write this AND there's thunder and lightning. Truly bizarre. C.x

  14. I love the colour of your piece, so nice for the winter :)

  15. So pretty, but so early! This does remind me of growing up in Minneapolis, though.

    Can't wait to see Aidez. I've been dreaming of that pattern!

  16. No. Way. You are so fast! I'm beginning to wonder if I'm going to get mine finished before winter is over. I am so jealous, and can't wait to see it finished!

  17. Heather10/29/2011

    Love, love, love your snow photo! I can't wait for the snow!!
    I tried emailing you, but it bounced back to me. I love reading your blog, I can't remember how I stumbled upon it...
    I have a question for you. I am a beginner beginner knitter, and I am just wondering where to start. Classes at the closest shop to me are pretty expensive and on a day that doesn't work for me. any advice, thoughts, wisdom that you can pass on to me would be very much appreciated!

  18. aah the first snow! I love it! :)
    And can't wait to see that sweater sewn together- I have been wondering about that one. I may have to make it myself!

  19. Oh my!! We feel so far away from snow right now. The sun is shinning and we haven't taken hard and glove out of the cupboard yet!

    Really, really want to knit that cardigan, scrumptious cables.

  20. That cardigan is going to look great. Love the colour! :)

  21. Anonymous10/30/2011

    I look froward to see your new project finished! It has to be gorgeous!!!!

  22. Love that shade of blue/grey on your sweater, makes me feel cozy already, specially with the snow fall you just had. Just rain for now on our beautiful Vancouver Island.

  23. I really look forward to see your FO! And so glad that the storm did not hit Montreal ;-) Hope you enjoyed!

  24. We had that snow last Wednesday and I loved it. Another storm coming in on this Wednesday [ notice a theme here ]. Can't wait to see your sweater, looks lovely.

  25. Completely jealous of your Aidez, even if it is in parts. Can't wait to see it all put togethere!
    Can you please send some of your snow to AZ, we will be at 90 degrees today. :)

  26. So pretty! That puts an interesting spin on trick or treating, doesn't it?

  27. crazy, right!? Looked like our yard too....now we're back to autumn. Have a great week!

  28. so exciting, the snow and sweater!

  29. ooooh, congratulations on finishing the cardi! i've had my eye on it, also, just mustering the courage to give cables a go.

    the color is beautiful. a perfect match for blustery snow days, i'd say :)

  30. oh boy! winter is just reminding us that she's on her way! :) and a finished project?! how wonderful!! can't wait to see you model it. have a fun week!!

  31. Hi Leslie! Colorado has had its second major snow storm already. It's pretty with the autumn leaves peaking through. I can hardly wait to see your sweater all put together. It's so impressive how many knitting projects you finish in a year. You are my knitting hero you know.

  32. Thank you for the give away. Cindy

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