i just can't stop

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

My parents came to town. They are a tremendous amount of help when they are here. I feel very fortunate.
My mother had a bit of an intervention and told me we HAD to purge the house.
I don't need all those baby spoons? Really? I can't keep all 6 platters? Really? I don't need her old set of china, those extra glasses, those silk flowers, those candle sticks, those extra bowls, 50 cookie cutters, a tea server? Really?

It took some time and felt really amazing. The house feels light and I don't know if I have ever felt this organized. I absolutely need someone to reason with that voice in my head that tells me I should hold onto something. My mother was just the person.
I continue to pick up things and question it's need and use.
The "stuff" has been blessings to me and will hopefully bless someone who needs it. We had the VVA pick it up out of the driveway. (Gotta love that.)
I didn't knit much, however, my mother sure loved the socks she finished. Extra special because we got the yarn in Greece. (I got some, too. Time to cast on.)

Oh, hi! hi! hi! hi!

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  1. Anonymous9/21/2011

    I want to do that. too much stuff here too.

  2. We're moving soon, so I spent every day at the moment picking things up and asking the same thing: "DO I really need this?" It's quite liberating. C.x

  3. It's a great feeling, isn't it? I love uncluttering.

  4. I've been purging in preparation for a move. It is the BEST feeling. We really don't need all of the Stuff do we?

  5. I love to purge and start fresh. It is nice to reduce what you have and find out what you truly need. Of course, I also need the gentle nudge. My husband is usually the one questioning why we need certain things. Good luck!

  6. I love it! When we "staged" our house to put it up for sale we took loads of stuff to the Goodwill and a huge truck load to the dump. Sometimes I think we should move once a decade just to force us to purge! You have me feeling like I need to do it again!

  7. I'm always wanting to purge and organize, but never do that good a job of it. I should take a leaf out of your book (or would that be your mother's) ;)

  8. Good for you getting all that stuff outa there.

  9. ....thank goodness you're back!
    I missed you so.
    xox M

  10. Just finished a move across the country and went through the same process. So gratifying!

  11. I think that my last de-cluttering clear out pretty much got my little apartment to a good state. Now...the challenge is not let Stuff re-enter without thoughtful permission.

    So far, my resolution is holding up, but ... if I were to come across those baby spoons or platters or other treasures that you have sent away, I would be so tempted!

    Those socks are grand. xo

  12. I'm so impressed. Hooray for mothers! Wish I had the guts to do this too :)

  13. Very nice! Wish I could do the same thing.

  14. No matter how old we get, we always need our moms!!! Great job on decluttering!

  15. I love fall cleaning so much better than spring cleaning. It feels more nesting-like. I just posted about it too! BTW, I love a photo on your previous post showing the Tazo teabags in the clear jar! Love it!

  16. wish in our neighborhood have some place to "throw" the things that we don't really need,
    so my mother will not always trying to throw her "unused" stuff to my small place... :(

  17. You are right. That kind of cleaning out feels REALLY good. We have done quite a bit of that since January and I don't think we are done. After 25 years living in one place, the build up of "stuff" is massive.

  18. I am cleaning out now too, just finished a remodel and nothing is going back that I don't love or use a lot, and it feels so great.

    Your junk looks pretty good tho...

  19. I kinda think you did NEED that pink chair. Or maybe I do. Lol. Happy purge! It must feel so good.

  20. At home it's exactly the opposite: it's me who told mom to liberate her house, I imagine how can feel your mom.

  21. Anonymous9/22/2011

    I really hope you donated it, and didn't just leave it in the street?

  22. Decluttering our house is something I really need to do. It's a wonder I can get anything done. You must be feeling like a burden has lifted for sure.

  23. Could your mom please come over?

  24. Can I add myself to the global list of your mum's general rationalizing excellence please?

  25. Congratulations on the purge!
    I absolutely love cleaning out in my stuff. Though now, I have for the first time in my life a apartment just to myself - so I am going to hang on to some of my stuff, just a bit more;)

  26. I'd really like that pink rocker...:-) That said from the woman who just dropped an entire load off at the donation center today. There must be something in the air!

    I read a great book called Clutter Rehab which said if you haven't put your hand on it in a year, it's probably safe to send off. Love the picture of the next person's treasures.

  27. Wow! I wish I had a mom who would come over and purge my house. My kids wouldn't like it as I'm storing their stuff.

  28. your mom rocks, my husband is like her - he's always looking to purge things! totally makes things feel "lighter". Love the socks too!

  29. You do have a pretty awesome mom. I know you know that, but still!

    My hubby claims to be a purger, but he's been collecting a lot more since we got married. But that's usually just 'mess' on his desk. I do still hold the record though. Having fiber hobbies will do that to you

  30. Ah! To have your mother's "permission" to get rid of those things, that stuff, the clutter. Don't you feel liberated?

  31. Can you send your mom to my house? I sooooo need to do that in EVERY room in the house!!

  32. dang! you did a lot!!!
    maybe your mother should come here. i could use an intervention.
    (p.s. miss you. flickr?)

  33. wow! that's a pretty good pile you've got there...for a moment I thought you were moving! Enjoy the satisfaction of a job well done!

  34. Please, Leslie, send your mother to me. I, also, need an intervention!

    The socks are great! Have you shared the photo with Sifis? Wonderful story about your visit with him. His shop looks divine. And today is free, too! (he, he)

  35. Maureen9/23/2011

    Must be something in the air...I'm doing the same thing at my house! I do this a few times a year to "declutter" our basement and storage loft over the garage...it feels s-o-o-o-o-o good! We all have too much in my family, and I love to donate things to others who can put them to good use!

  36. I'm preparing to move and requested my mom to come help me do just that. I got rid of lots of things no longer useful to me and it feels great. I think I will ask her if she will help me organize when I move inot my new place.

  37. I am such a hoarder!
    well done to you and your mum!

  38. That must feel amazing to get ride of stuff. If I let my mother help, I would have nothing left.
    Her socks are fantastic!

  39. You did great!I wished it was something I did! It's the best feeling in the world to get rid of stuff!

  40. Could you PLEASE send your Mum over to me here in Australia? I REALLY need help to do the same thing. Well done. xxoo

  41. Are you sure about your mom's china? Just sayin....

  42. The other thing that makes you purge stuff is realizing you have to move, and you have two much stuff for the largest uhaul truck!

  43. smiling B I G at all your success! looking for that organized feeling myself.

  44. Whoa - so incredibly need to purge here. Just everything. Think it will be a slow project.


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