granola bars - a Friend to knit with

granola bars

Monday, September 12, 2011

For those of you that have been here awhile, you know I love to bake. And during the school year we do a "cookie of the week". In the beginning I had the kids choose the cookie. We soon ran out of cookies they wanted to try and now they usually just request a cookie we have already made.
Mostly chocolate chips. Or cinnamon cookies.

To switch it up, I thought I would try granola bars. I've made them for three weeks in a row. However, I'm not going to lie.
The kids don't like them.
I assume they would eat them if they were starving. But they usually just let them sit.
I really like them. A whole, whole lot. And for those of you watching your gluten, they're gluten free.
2 cups rolled oats + 1/2 cup to grind :: 1/2 cup sliced almonds :: 1/2 cup chopped walnuts :: 1/2 cup sunflower seeds :: 3/4 cup dried berries (I like the orange flavored cranberries from trader joe's) :: 1 can condensed sweetened milk (I said gluten free, not fat free.)

Grind 1/2 cup oats in food processor. Mix all ingredients. Butter 8 x 8 baking dish and spread ingredients into prepared dish. Bake at 350˚ for 30 minutes until slightly browned. Cool completely. Cut into desired size squares. Will keep for about 1 week in airtight container.

Working on Aidez. Slow moving at first, but I'm now picking up a little speed.

Happy Monday!

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  1. I just made granola bars yesterday! I didn't pack them into the pan as tightly as I should have this time (I was in a hurry) so I suppose it would be more accurate to say that I made granola crumbles, but hey, they still taste great.

  2. These sound delish! Much healthier than the ones from the grocery store...thanks for sharing.

  3. ooh! i bet i could make these without the berries and then my kids would eat them.

  4. Can't wait to see your Aidez - it is a fun knit and fast too!

  5. Anonymous9/12/2011

    I'm so jealous! I've eyed up that sweater pattern too. Don't forget to post the results! (Actual yarn is out of our budget right now, so unless I knit it out of random amounts of left over bits of different kinds of wool and cotton, it's just not happening.)x

  6. Anonymous9/12/2011

    I'm so jealous! I've eyed up that sweater pattern too. Don't forget to post the results! (Actual yarn is out of our budget right now, so unless I knit it out of random amounts of left over bits of different kinds of wool and cotton, it's just not happening.)x

  7. Anonymous9/12/2011

    Just want to point out that unless you are purchasing oats specifically labeled "gluten free", you should assume that your oats are not. (Oats are often harvested and processed with the same equipment as wheat and thus contaminated with gluten.)

  8. I love the sweater-intimidating though. Maybe someday!

  9. Hi Leslie! I've been thinking of you a lot. Hope all is well. Not gonna lie, I'm probably with you kids on this one. Can't wait to see your sweater.

  10. Since my kids think your chocolate chip cookies are the bee's knees AND they have been asking for homemade granola bars, this is going high on my list. Thanks, Leslie!

  11. I have been searching for a good granola bar recipe, thank you for the splendid post!

  12. I love your honesty...about what they like and don't like!! I've made your chocolate chip cookies twice in the last two weeks, and the cinnamon cookies look so delicious! Do they remind you of snickerdoodles?

    I've had a slow start to my Traveling Woman, but seem to have found some kind of grove. looking forward to progress pictures!

  13. I have always loved your cookie of the week. Can you believe that my kiddos do not like chocolate chip?!?!? I just made granola. Perhaps granola bars should also be on the list.

  14. Anonymous9/13/2011

    My friend writes this amazing food blog for moms and she had this recipe for granola bars recently:
    Definitely look kid-friendly!

  15. Rachel9/13/2011

    I make a similar sugar free museli bar, a great mid morning snack at work. For children have you tried leaving out the seeds and nuts, but using ground almonds, flaked almonds and dried apricots instead, this is a really yummy combination.

  16. Yum, these look fantastic! I'll be making these this week.

    Can't wait to see how Aidez is shaping up. What a beautiful pattern.

  17. I have been reading your blog for a little while and had to comment (and laugh) on this post, because I made almost the exact same granola bars the week school started thinking they would be great recess snacks for my kids. They apparently would rather go hungry at recess. But I think they taste fabulous.

  18. I think they sound great and I plan to make them real soon.

  19. Soooo good we couldn't wait til they cooled. This recipe is a keeper! Can't wait to see your sweate!

  20. Yum! More for you...if the kids don't like them. :-)

  21. okay you got me when you included the fat!!! I'll try them!

  22. Can't wait to see Aidez. I eyed up that pattern last fall too. It just looks like fall doesn't it? Instead I am trying out socks for the first time. Progress to be posted at jenbeeknits.blogspot.com :)

  23. Tried'em----delicious!

  24. The granola bars look yummy. I think some of my kids would like them and some would pass. It's the nuts, mainly. Glad to see you bringing your cookie posts back!

  25. I'm going to try these. My kids will probably stick their noses up at this, which means more for me!

  26. mmmm, this looks much like a dinner with julie bar i tried, and was loved for the condensed milk sticky-caramelly-goodness it added. i added a good throw of chocolate chips instead of berries, which convinced my three to devour a pan in an afternoon. not dean ornish, perhaps, but delicious. will give this version a go. mmm...

    p.s. thanks for the lily kate intro, new to me. that short-sleeved cardigan drops my jaw.

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