inside scoop - a Friend to knit with

inside scoop

Friday, August 12, 2011

I have a couple of things to share with you. The first one you can pass along. The second one you must keep as a secret.
{My sister text me this photo this morning. Wishing I could of had one.}

My sister, Lisa's, liquid sunshine recipe:
3 huge handfuls of kale :: 4 romaine leaves :: 3-4 stalks celery :: slice of ginger :: 1 whole peeled cucumber :: 1 pear. Add the cucumber last. It adds all the water. Sometimes she likes to add a kiwi for a little extra zing. Yummo!

The second one is that we wear lounge pants in public. (shhhhh.)
We don't always dress alike. Actually, don't ever dress alike is more like it. However, I made her, her very own linen lounge pants and told her she had to wear them for a photo, so I could show you. (You should have seen the kids faces. Sometimes it's just down right fun to embarrass them.)
So, make some lounge pants in a washable linen. Use the salvage edge as the bottom. It's all frayed and cool. And call it a pair of linen pants. Done. Finished. Easy peasy. Super comfy.
Have a beautiful Friday!

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  1. I could go for a drink right now!!

  2. I want a pair. Extra large for good lounging. You gals are so cute together!

  3. haha love it! will be trying that drink this weekend... and to live in lounge pants is a daily goal of mine! you girls rock it.

  4. Oh I love those pants! I need to make a pair - maybe this weekend :)

    ps...still LOVING those placemat boards - the boys enjoy them lots!

  5. You two gals are so cute!!!
    I love that pattern so much - I've made my mom 2 pairs in washable linen - they are so comfy. I still haven't made any from sheets (what's the matter with me?) but I have made a skirt and a sundress from pillowcases - you must try it!
    Thanks so much for sharing Lisa's smoothie receipe - I was going to ask for it! I've got a green one too that is very similar (uses strawberries instead of cucumber and doesn't have any celery). I can't wait to try this one!

  6. What a hoot! Gorgeous though :) I'm laughing at the description of your horrified kids!

  7. Those pants look wonderful...comfy, soft, and pretty. You are pretty ladies! Looks like you had a blast!

  8. Thank you for the recipe. I have all those ingredients, so I may just make one for dessert :)

  9. I am pretty sure you two cannot get any cuter!!.......or healthier!
    xox M

  10. You are so hip. Love the pants!

  11. Love them! I think the fun in being a parent is embarassing your children. lol

  12. I have a pair of linen drawstring pants I scooped up at Target on clearance and I love them so much that I want more. This fits the bill perfectly. Thank you, Leslie!

  13. I really love that picture of your sister and you on the beach. No worries, my lips are sealed!

  14. Almost ALL my pants are lounge pants - I just call them Palazzo pants, and that seems to turn them into day wear :D

  15. Anonymous8/15/2011

    those pants are awesome! and i am going to have to make that drink.

  16. Oh man...I am jonesin for a pair of lounge pants now! Thanks so much for the idea and for the liquid sunshine recipe. Sounds delicious and I bet you feel like a million bucks after drinking it!

  17. Those are great. Who cares what the kids think.

  18. Made the juice for dinner tonight with omelettes-- totally rescued me from feeling like the nutritionally lamest mom ever. My Laurel came back for a THIRD glass. Yum.

  19. It is kinda fun to embarrass our kids at times! :)

  20. oh, i love the idea to use the selvedge for the hem! perfect. need to now go hunting for a yummy linen. :)


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