i love it all - a Friend to knit with

i love it all

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Keep Your Promises Be Honest Clean up, Clean Up, Everybody Clean Up

hug often think of others before yourself Do Your Jobs The Easiest Way Is Usually Not The Best Way Treat One Another the Way You Would Like to Be Treated
Do Your Best Help Each Other Share
Be Respectful Good Manners Always Do It Right the First Time
Take Pride in Everything You Do NO Running In The House Love Each Other

I ordered this from iloveitall, so many to choose from.
I immediately had to hang it on the wall, but plan on matting it in white with a white frame.
Love the little reminders.

Have a beautiful day!

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  1. Perfect reminders for us always but especially as we depart for vacation.

  2. Love it! I like to make stuff like this in Microsoft Publisher and then just print it as a picture. SO inexpensive to print at Costco or something and you can choose your own colors/fonts/etc!

  3. I love it too! Thank you for sharing

  4. Wow, that is perfect!! I've been looking for stuff for my bare wals, and this is a perfect. Thanks for sharing, I'm off to get my own!!

  5. I still have my chalkboard version, although it's time I changed things up...

  6. Wow - that really is fabulous! Those are some pretty good rules to live by.

  7. Words to live by... except I don't mind running in the house, as long as nobody runs with scissors! ;)

  8. Anonymous7/13/2011

    You are so wise.

  9. That's awesome! I think I may find a place for it in my 8th grade classroom. You never know when something will make a difference....why I love being a teacher. Thanks for sharing it!

  10. I love the reminders, too. Pinterest has many such posters and I'm drawn to so many of them. I think about when our kids were little and rollerblading through the house (depending on the type of flooring we had) I wonder how I managed to put dinner on the table! No running in the house is a good rule.

  11. Great advice for anyone of any age. I love your blog because it is always calm, beautiful, smart and understated. Reading your posts always puts a smile on my face. Keep up the good work!!!

  12. Anonymous7/14/2011

    wonderful!!! and... I love it all!!!!!!!

  13. Love this poster! I put these as a favorite in Etsy and will get one on payday!! Thanks for sharing.

  14. And it is such a pretty color, too!

  15. I think that is one of the best reminders I have seen. Beautiful in its simplicity and wisdom.

  16. I like it. They should hang this up in every building in America.

  17. Good reminders for all of us! I might add no talking with your mouth full! :)

  18. I love it. THe one we had our children's school was"

    Is it true
    is it nice
    is it necessary?

  19. Oh, I love it! I especially liked the guy with the spaghetti yarn around his head. So great. I swear I saw Julia Roberts on Ravelry and figured it was a joke.

    Hope you have a great weekend!

  20. Great and beautiful reminders ;-)

  21. As a teacher, I am constantly being asked by other teachers, "What are your classroom rules?" Such a funny question to hear so often. As if it's rocket science. This little message collage is just the perfect set of "guidelines" for any household or classroom. I truly love this! Thank you!

  22. gah! love this!

    thanks ever so, for the link.


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