hello - a Friend to knit with


Sunday, June 19, 2011

Well, in true form, the beginning of summer has kicked my butt. This one even more so.

I have a bunch of projects lined up. Started painting the den yesterday. Going with all white walls. I am going to frame a bunch of my 365 photos in black and white (thanks Keana) and line the walls.
The built in's are getting a make over, too. I'll have to find a new home for those knitting books. I'm going to have some really large prints made up on the wrap around canvas and rest them in each section. No more "stuff" sitting on the shelves. Or maybe just a few little things.
I did finish my sewing project. (Yay, Betsy!)
I'll be back tomorrow to share.
Enjoy your beautiful day!

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  1. Those projects sound amazing! I can't wait to see it all.

  2. Looking forward to seeing the finished results. Thank you for your lovely blog. x

  3. No apology needed. I am swamped here with all the activities! Enjoy your painting. Trying to get Andy to paint our family room. It's way down on his list. oy!

  4. Ooooh I'm loving the white walls/b&w prints idea!! That will look fantastic, especially because your 365 photos are all so very amazing and special. I don't know how in the world you will be able to pick.

    And the new bookcase re-do: awesome!! Can't wait to see how it turns out.

    Wish I could help out on the painting but hopefully it will be done in no time :)

  5. Sounds like everything will be all clean and tidy soon! I too have a couple of projects lined up but working around the house is taking lots of my time which is however great because we have so little summer around here! Looking forward to seeing your new den!

  6. I can't wait to see it. Summer is kicking my butt, too. So much so I am fixing to go take a nap.

  7. i love your banner. and keana's idea of framing a bunch of your 365 in b&w. perfect!

  8. Please post pictures when you're done!

  9. My favorite colors - black and white. I think it sounds great. I can't wait to see the "after "pictures.

  10. My favorite colors - black and white. I think it sounds great. I can't wait to see the "after "pictures.

  11. Awesome, can't wait to see your photo wall!

  12. You are transforming your den into a gallery. :-) the photos will be so hard to choose. I have wondered if you made coffee table books with them because they are so fun to look at. Happy painting.

  13. I understand completely about the books. I love to read too. However, I decided to give some books away to my local library. There came a time for me when I had to say, "Am I really going to read these books in the next 6 months"? like I always say. The answer truthfully, was "no".

    Hope the renovating goes well.

  14. I think summer is like this for everyone! So, just enjoy and we'll see you when we see you!

  15. Looks like you've been up to good.

  16. Sounds like you have been busy - and are going to be! Love the way you started painting your wall :-) Will be anxious to see the finished project and all the pretty things in the cubbyholes.

  17. I'll mind some or your knitting books if you like....they can keep company with my 9000!!!!!!

  18. I know you're enjoying each and every moment! Looking forward to seeing your room re-do!

  19. You sound......inspired! Or perhaps, transformed!
    Joie de Vivre!
    xox M

  20. Very excited to see your photo project up on your walls! Admire your talent.


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