the four

Tuesday, June 07, 2011

june 6, 2010

Okay, I finally had the random number generator choose the numbers:
#233 :: Paigley
#46 :: Meg
#121 :: Diana
Please e-mail me and I will pass along your contact information to the people over at KnitCircus.

The last day of school was today. Lots of rain. Kids all with friends. I think I'll sew.
Have a great one!

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  1. I won! I won! Thank you so much! :-)

  2. congrats to all the winners! sewing is the best way to spend your day. :-)

  3. Happy vacation, Leslie! We have another day to go, and believe it or not, I'm looking forward to the break. Would love some of your rain, too - it's 90 here. Ugh.

  4. Happy summer! I can't wait to see what you sew.

  5. Congrats to the winners and hello to your summer vacation!

    what'cha sewing? :)

  6. Yay, I won! My kids get out next Thursday, and I've been sewing, too!

  7. Happy Summer Leslie! Hope all is well!

  8. Anonymous6/08/2011

    Big congratulations to all the winners! YAY!

    What are you sewing and what is on your needles these days?

    I have been Christmas knitting, but just got off the phone with my mom and she wants another apron for Christmas. Guess I'll get my sewing machine out too! OOOO, this means new fabric purchases too~LOVE!

    Send some of that rain down to the South. We have been in the 90's for days and days now with not a drop in sight! When I spend 2 hrs every other day watering, something needs to give. Thank God for a pond to pump water out of!


  9. Congrats everyone!!!

  10. Anonymous6/08/2011

    you are kidding me!! vacation already?!! i SO wish that for my kids. they don't finish til the 22nd of july--how cruel is that?!!! am so sad for them:(
    love the blog!
    liz xx

  11. I can't wait to see what you sew. Happy Summer Leslie!

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  12. Congrats to the winners.


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