repeat - a Friend to knit with


Friday, May 13, 2011

Shoot! Did anyone else on blogger lose their last post? Poof. There one day, gone the next.

May 13, 2008. Ruby and I in middle school bathroom.
In case you didn't stop by here within the last few days, I had mentioned the giveaway of 60 quick baby knits that Nichole was having. She is giving away yarn, too! (She designed the most darling fair isle hat and legwarmers.)
Have a beautiful weekend!

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  1. They said everything will come back- just might take a while.
    Cracks me up that you were in the m.s. bathroom taking pics!:)
    Have a great weekend!

  2. My last two were gone. Fortunately, they're still in Google Reader (um, is it weird that I subscribe to my own feed?), so I just reposted them, easy! If the first copies come back, I'll delete the replacements.

    I missed Blogger yesterday. So glad to have it back!

  3. I found my post from yesterday saved as a draft so I republished it, but all my comments were gone. Not a big deal except it happened to be a giveaway post! Ugh!

  4. Major problems with Blogger the last few days. I don't have a post missing because I've become the slacker blogger/knitter/photog...you get the idea. Hope all is well!

  5. That explains a lot! I kept getting weird messages through the reader and then was unable to find the mentioned post. It is good to see you!

  6. That's the fun(?) thing about these computers-just like magic they make things disappear! :-(

  7. Seeing your gorgeous Ruby again reminds me what a beautiful sweater it is. Perhaps I should move it up my queue!

  8. lost mine and lost comments on posts close to that date. just poof, there gone. life goes on , bigger things thatn that to worry over.

  9. Love the washroom pic. Ruby is gorgeous. Now I am absolutely in love with that bag you are holding! Maybe a future post wil contain details? :)

  10. you have to be the most stylish middle school mom around. ruby + bag + you= perfect!

  11. Love ruby! And yes, had issues with blogger...in love the color of ruby with that bag you're carrying there too!

  12. I didnt lose any posts, but I did go away for 3 days to come back to publish my comments that were sent to me over those days to find that they were gone. I hope there are no more blogger issues.

  13. ummm, seriously....what is that bag you are carrying and where did you find it?!

  14. Yes, i have 2 blogs one on blogspot and the other one on wordpress. On my blogspot blog my last post, made 2 days ago, disappeared. I don`t know why is that happening and i don`t have any solution.

  15. Mine was there for a minute, then gone for a few days, I did an approximation of a repeat, then the first post appreared again...they are messing with us.

  16. Awesome...where might I find the pattern for "Ruby?"

  17. Anonymous6/19/2011

    Would love to know where you got that bag, and the sweater pattern!


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