athens - a Friend to knit with


Monday, October 18, 2010

Favorite Memories:

-Today is free.
-The Acropolis. The Parthenon. Standing on those grounds. It really is unbelievable.
-Catching the changing of the guards at the Parliament. (Of course I noticed the gigantic pom poms on their shoes. Sorry I didn't get a photo. You would have loved them!)
-Meeting Sifis. Sifis owns a gorgeous (perfectly kept! seriously! check out that order!) three generation yarn shop in the heart of Athens. I met Sifis a few years ago through his flickr group. I knew our trip into Athens required a trip to meet him in person. I can't even begin to express how wonderful this time was with this very warm, generous, huge hearted man. It's hard to explain how we all felt. It was like we had all known him our entire lives. He took us to a local greek restaurant, where we ate the most delicious food of our entire trip, shared stories of our lives, laughed and cried. All happy tears. It could not have been a more perfect ending to our trip. All because of knitting. Lives knit together.

Thanks for letting me share my trip. I feel very blessed for that time with my mother, sisters and new friends.
Happy Knitting!

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  1. This is so interesting because he _just_ invited me to join his flickr group a few days ago and he was so nice and friendly!

  2. What a beautiful blog you create! Definitely my favorite. You have a wonderful way of making me feel connected and inspired by your posts. Thank you for sharing your trip.

  3. Anonymous10/19/2010

    It is the best feeling ever for me when I wake up in the morning (I live in Germany, it's 9:15am here) ;) And see a fresh new post from my favorite blogger....almost daily. Love it !!!!!!

    I am so happy you had such a great time in Greece. The owner of the yarn shop seems like such a great man and I am happy you were able to experience Greece in such a wonderful way :)

  4. What a wonderful trip! To get to know a city with a local is always the best way! Thanks for sharing some special moments with us.

  5. Wow - what a fabulous trip! Such great memories for your sisters and mother to share. What a happy birthday!

  6. Wow - what a fabulous trip! Such great memories for your sisters and mother to share. What a happy birthday!

  7. Wow! I think we must all know Sifis by now. He seems like a wonderful man. How lucky it was to get to meet him! Now that's a blogger meet-up!

  8. Sifis looks so Greek. It really sounds like an absolutely wonderful trip.

  9. Gorgeous. A trip of a lifetime with ones you love!

  10. Thanks for allowing me to relive the trip all over again. It was such a special time spent with my sisters and mother. I will cherish the memories forever...

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Ahhh, amazing. The colours inspire me.

  13. You've no idea how much it means to me that you shared this wonderful journey and celebration with me, with others. For just a moment, it allowed me to step away from the expectations and perhaps anxieties of the day to day to remember time has past yet we are all grounded in those gone before and connected to those with whom we travel now, across the globe. From the work of our hand in hand, the world is a beautiful place.

    Peace out!


  14. Anonymous10/19/2010

    What a great trip thanks for sharing all of your pictures.The water is just beautiful,well ok everything is beautiful.Those memories will stay with you all.How fantastic the relationship you have with your sisters and Mom. I have the same with my Mom and SIL which is nice since I don't have any sisters.I have a feeling you did some knitting abroad so looking forward to those pics too.

  15. so fantastic, leslie! what an amazing experience for all of you. (and i love seeing the camera strap in the window reflection!)

  16. The look of weathered stone with blue sky. WOW! Great photos.

  17. wow, that is a trip of a lifetime! how beautiful you got to share it with your mom and sisters! Did you get any yarn?

  18. Have been following your travels - Athens looks fantastic - would love to see the Parthenon! How wonderful that you were able to meet a Ravelry buddy, too!

    xo Erin

  19. Your trip photos made me feel like I was accompanying you. Thank you for taking me along.

  20. Truly incredible post! Thanks so much for sharing your trip. I have goosebumps from this last post. I love your appreciation and gratitude - it is contagious and has kept me coming back to your blog for several years now!

  21. Anonymous10/19/2010

    Thanks so much for all the photos. They helped to brighten some dreary days around here.

    I've seen pictures of those pom-poms you mentioned... they're... um... stunning.

  22. This looks like such an amazing trip! What a great family getaway.

  23. Beautiful piictures!
    Soo cool that you got to meet Sifis!!

  24. i love how knitting connects people. that is a fantastic story.

  25. Wonderful!!!! That's so cool that you met Sifis. I "know" him from his Flickr group as well, and he is the sweetest person! The great photos of the Parthenon made me feel all nostalgic...and the fasolia (beans) in the food pic made my tummy grumble! Oh, what I'd give to go back to Greece!

  26. Anonymous10/19/2010

    Thank you! I couldn't wait to check in to see today's photos. What did you buy at the yarn shop?

  27. Amazing! And I cannot believe you met the infamous sifis!

  28. What beautiful pictures! (and family!!!) So glad you had such a wonderful trip!

  29. Your 'today is free' photo is priceless! You are such a gifted photographer. Thanks so much for taking us along on this special trip with you.

    And you met Sifis - i've wondered about him each time he left a message on my flickr. How cool to finally meet him through your photos!

    Knitting is a beautiful thing! What a beautiful birthday for your mother!

  30. What beautiful photos of such a beautiful place. So glad you all had such a good time. Your Mom was thilled, especially with the list of 75 favorite things.

  31. Thank you for sharing the photos and the stories!

  32. What an amazing trip! The pictures are beautiful and the yarn is drool-worthy. I love how knitting brings strangers together and turns them into long-lost friends!

  33. It's funny how natural and even beautiful the people are in the pictures you took of Acropolis and the Parthenon. I sometimes think to myself, "Won't-those-people-get-out-of-my-picture?" But the angle of your shots and the composition make them seem like they belong. Of course they do. :-) I'm thrilled your found yarn and met Sifis. I can't wait to see what you bought as your fiber souvenir.

  34. beautiful photos and moments! What a huge joy it must have been to meet Sifis, too. Have a safe trip back!

  35. Trip of a lifetime... unless you all caught the travel bug, and then there will be more! Your photos are gorgeous.

  36. What a lovely trip, your mother with her three daughters! Your words and pictures were perfect. When you said you were going to Athens, somehow I knew you were going to meet Sifis! I also adore him and plan to meet him one day too!

  37. These memories will last a lifetime. Maybe some day when you celebrate a special milestone birthday, you'll want to share this special place with your children. And the loving goes on and on.

  38. It looks like a wonderful trip and the fact that you got to make real a flickr friend is icing on the cake! Once again, I'm inspired by your wonderful photography. Thanks for posting and sharing.

  39. Beautiful, everything not just the shop

  40. Your trip sounds beyond fantabulous! And your photos are so beautiful! Did you bring any of that beautiful yarn home with you?:-)

  41. How wonderful! Your photos are beautiful, but I am just elated that you got to meet Sifis. He is so great! Looks like you had such a wonderful time in beautiful Athens!

  42. I have goosebumps....thank YOU for sharing your wonderful trip with us!

  43. What a wonderful trip you had! I love that you met up with Sifis and had such fun time with your mom and sisters. Thanks for sharing.

  44. LOVE! Especially the cute guy with the knitting store. That's an awesome tribute to the connectedness of knitting, isn't it? Looks like you had a beautiful time with your sisters and your mom. Hope I look as good as she does when I'm 75!!

  45. What a great trip! Thank you, thank you, thank you for posting about the yarn shop in Athens. We might be moving to Athens next year, and it's nice to have a LYS all lined up!

  46. Beautiful woman! I'm so happy you had such an amazing time!!!

  47. This post has got to be my absolute favorite of your blog. Thank you for sharing.

  48. the history, the colours,the food/drink...thanks for sharing your special trip!
    Happy Birthday to your Mom!

  49. You are a fabulous photographer. Thank you so much for sharing such special memories. I loved every minute of it!

  50. Good morning Leslie! What a treasured trip for you all...loved reading about it. My favorite thing to read are the comments from your MANY admirers! You inspire us all. Tried to hear the husband on radio this weekend...bet he had a blast with that. Have a blessed week!

  51. Anonymous11/03/2010

    I've so enjoyed going on this trip with you. Your photography skills rival your knitting and certainly do justice to such a beautiful country. And it is so heart touching to see you spending this wonderful time with your mum and sister, something some of us won't ever have the opportunity to do, and I don't begrudge you for doing it, just like to think that my mum and I could have done something like this and enjoyed it as much as you - so thankyou for sharing.

  52. Thank you for sharing your trip! What incredible pictures!

  53. What a wonderful trip to take with your sisters and mum, such memories to be made and celebrated and how absolutely beautiful you all are.

  54. Oh, you met Sifis!! I've sent numerous family members and friends [local and from abroad] to his shop...
    Have yet to make the trip over. Soon, I hope...

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