another one - a Friend to knit with

another one

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

It's been warm around here. Mid to high 80's. No complaints.
Still, I knit away with lovely yarn while sitting at the pool. I started another slouchy cardigan. A.) Because I LOVE that sweater. (I think it has been my all time favorite sweater that has gotten the most wear of anything that I have ever knit.)

B.) Because I had some charmed in my stash that I scored on sale while it was being discontinued. (Why oh why would they discontinue this lovely yarn?) I actually saw that someone over on Ravelry had 11 balls in their stash. Definitely enough to make a slouchy.
Have you seen Vogue Knitting Stitchionary 5? The 5th in the series that is an amazing reference that would benefit every knitters library, lace knitter or not. It is full of clear instructions and charts of over 150 different designs. I sort of got lost in the photographs. They are absolutely gorgeous. I just love this book sitting on the coffee table.
Anyhow, I have one to giveaway. If you are interested, leave me a comment by Saturday the 26th at 12p.m. EST and I will draw a name.

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  1. Wow! I am interested. Thanks for organizing a giveaway.

  2. Slouchy cardigan is awesome! That's really actually very lovely in that vanilla yarn. Mmm. And I love stitch dictionaries. So much love! Thanks for being willing to put one up for adoption. :D

  3. OOH, I'm interested. I [heart] knitting books! I'm the same way, I can just look and look thru the books.

    I saw the pic of your slouchy sweater ... LOVE it! Beautiful.

  4. Anonymous6/23/2010

    Thanks for your generous offer-- that book would be so handy in my fairly new knitting endeavors...

    Ann H.

  5. Kathleen6/23/2010

    I've been wanting to knit some lace. Thanks for the chance to win!

  6. Linny Swan6/23/2010

    Looks like a fabulous book...I would love to win it! Thanks for organizing the give away.


  7. Oh yes, what a great giveaway. And that cardi...wow! I'm "rethinking my thinking" on the pattern I was going to use...This is lovely!

  8. Anonymous6/23/2010

    Leslie, thank you for the opportunity to win such a great book. Would love to have it to add to my stitch library.

  9. marianne6/23/2010

    I love your slouchy cardigan! I made one similar to it, but with raglan shaping, and I wear it all the time.
    I would love to win the stitchionary. thanks for the giveaway!

  10. I am really liking slouchy cardis these days, I can't wait to see your new one finished!
    ...and I'd love to win a Stitch Dictionary...

  11. Very cool - I love that series of books - hope I win!

  12. Count me in please!

  13. I can see why you want to knit another slouchy, it looks so comfy and useful, beautiful.

    I am eying this book since I first saw it on some blog (forgot where it was) I would love to have my own copy.

  14. Anonymous6/23/2010

    Giveaways AND a Stitchionary, all at once? Yay!

  15. Ooh! Looks like a great book! I'm definitely interested!

  16. I LOVE your slouchy cardigan too. I've really got to get with it and step up my skills! Maybe Vogue Knitting Stitchionary 5 could help ; )

  17. Jennifer B6/23/2010

    I just finished my first lace project and am looking forward to my next one - a book like this would be a great inspiration!

  18. I am interested in winning the book. Your slouchy cardigan also has me looking for Greetings from the Knit Cafe.

  19. I love the slouchy! I just posted a few cardigans I'm ready to knit immediately, only I need to collect the yarn to make them. And, I don't have any of the stitch references yet, but they are all on my Christmas wish list... conveniently, lace is one of my current projects! I'm knitting the Peacock Tail & Leaf Scarf from the Estonian Lace book and it's turning out genius. But, oh, how a reference guide would help!

  20. Volume 5?!?!? I can't imagine how I've made it so long without. The internet I guess. A book is better :)

  21. Yippee! Thanks for thinking of all of us readers!

  22. I keep seeing this book on blogs but haven't seen it in person. Would love to improve my lace knitting. Thanks for the opportunity!

  23. Colleen6/23/2010

    I think stitch dictionaries are an essential addition to any knitter's library! I'd love this new edition.

  24. How exciting. I would love a new knitting book. I'm looking to start a stitch library.

  25. you're lucky you have one to give away :) and someone out there is lucky to win it!
    love the color of slouchy #2- it's gorgeous (as with slouchy #1) :)

  26. Okay so now Slouchy Cardigan has made it to my queue. Thanks for the great picture! I would love to win this book, so I'm sending random generator magnets to this comment! (Ha! I wish!)

  27. I would love that! It would definitely need to live on a shelf though, books on coffee tables don't last too long in my house.

  28. That book sounds great!

  29. Anonymous6/23/2010

    I don't own a stitch dictionary, but I've envied the series...crossing my fingers!

  30. Very cool! I would love that.

  31. One of my friends was a test knitter for that book. I saw it when it came out. LOVE IT! Crossing my fingers AND toes on this one. :)

  32. Lace is my next knitting frontier - this would be a great help. Thanks for the giveaway!

  33. Can't wait to see your next cardigan! Thanks for doing the giveaway. :-)

  34. would love to look through that book too! thanks

  35. wow... another giveaway?? you're awesome! :)

  36. Oohh, great giveaway! Do you ever have a problem knitting in the summer heat? We don't have air conditioning and sometimes having wool in my hands just too warm. I am sure I will do a little of sock knitting this summer. I love when the summer turns into fall and the knitting is so cozy.

  37. Definitely interested! I would love to win one!

  38. the book--and sweater--look wonderful!

  39. I never win, but perhaps this time...

  40. I'm not sure what I enjoy the most, your knitting, your photography or your cookies. Thank you for sharing them all with us

  41. mrpablo6/24/2010

    You are very generous! I have as much love for the knitting books as I do the knitting. Count me in!

  42. Now I'm inspired to knit a slouchy cardigan.

    That book looks inspiring too.

  43. I'm intrigued. Thought about starting a Brandywine. You know, in between raising a newborn a two and four year old. Tell me it gets easier and I'll find more time to knit.

  44. What a great giveaway. I love to look through the photos and it a plus if the directions and references are helpful to.

    I love your slouchy sweater.

  45. Oooh, I love stitch pattern books - thanks for having this giveaway!

    -Kala on Ravelry

  46. OOh I love the series. Unfortch, I don't have any, yet...lol. Please count me in for the giveaway.
    Btw, my slouchy cardi lives in a bag...waiting for me to pull it out and finish it. Love the color you're using this time around.:-)

  47. If you are happy to post overseas (if I win LOL) please enter me - thank you .

  48. monique6/24/2010

    I love knitting books almost as much as I love knitting. Love the slouchy cardigan, it looks like the perfect everyday snuggly sweater!

  49. Oh, I love that cardy - might have to add that to my list of to-knits!
    And thanks for the chance of the give-away!

  50. Anonymous6/24/2010

    Thanks for reminding me how much I like that sweater. I've added it to my rav favs. Maybe, after I finish my first adult sweater I'll take on the slouch. And the book, awesome!

  51. Anonymous6/24/2010

    WOW!Great giveaways you have. Thanks so much.I love all your great projects and beautiful pictures. So inspiring! The book would be great. Thanks, kelly

  52. thanks for a chance to win the book!!
    - and i can't wait to see the slouch..! gotta knit, who cares that it is hot, and i do work with wool any season, too!!

  53. I'd love to win the VK book - love your slouchy, too!

  54. Anne-Dorthe6/24/2010

    I would love that book :-)

  55. I would love this one. Thank you for offering it.

  56. I am just getting started in lace knitting and this would be a great resource. Thank you for the chance to win the book.

  57. Thank you for offering it.

  58. I've had my eye on that book for awhile!

  59. Yes please! Looks like such a beautifully presented book too. Thanks. ox

  60. Slouchy looks extremely comfy!
    The book sounds interesting, and all this blue... I heart blue;-)
    Thank you for the give-away
    Daniela from France

  61. I wish I were knitting by the side of a pool - sounds bliss.

    Love the colour of your new slouchy cardie. What a shame they've discontinued that beautiful yarn.

  62. oooh, add me to the masses of people interested in the book!

  63. Anonymous6/24/2010

    Lovely colour on you yarn! Can't wait to see the sweater :)

  64. I've spied these and never bought a copy, it'd be pretty yummy to win:) look forward to seeing your slouchy number, xt.

  65. Thanks for the chance to win.

  66. Love the color of cardigan.
    Thank ou for the chance to win the book.

  67. I learned how to knit properly with "Vogue Knitting The Ultimate Knitting Book". It would be great to have this as an "add-on". Thanks Leslie.

  68. I've recently started my first knitted scarf, and I would LOVE to win this book to add to my knitting library.

  69. Even the cover is gorgeous!

  70. I'm interested too!
    Thank you!

  71. yay for knitting a favourite! your knitting looks so neat.

  72. Memeeknits6/24/2010

    Hello! This is really generous of you - yet again. I'm certainly interested in your giveaway. Thanks so much for brightening my day!

  73. I'd love the book...enter my name please...thanks!

  74. me! me! me!!! super cardi, by the way - I feel I ought to have a slouchy one or two...

  75. I hate when a beloved yarn is discontinued. That Charmed is awesome. I wore my beautiful mitts all Winter long! Hope you're enjoying the Summer.

  76. it is so cold here only 4 for us that is cold and I dont see the sun dark going to work and dark when i leav work I envy you your summer not long away thoughaccording to the bulbs woudl love the book and cant believ you a re giving it away thanks for the thoughts

  77. I've been hearing great things about the book. I'd love to win a copy.

  78. Nice book would love to be the lucky one;;;;;;;;;;;;;

  79. I would love the book! Slouchy looks super great!
    Hot here, too, but I continue to knit wool sweaters!l

  80. I LOVE knitting lace and stitchionary would be a great addition to my library!

  81. I'm so interested. Would love that book.

  82. Anonymous6/24/2010

    What a generous give-away! Please include me.

    Sandy in NJ

  83. Love the slouchy sweater! And why do the yarn companies always seem to discontinue my favorite yarns, too?

    Would love to enter the giveaway. Thank you so much.

    K x

  84. This comment has been removed by the author.

  85. thanks for the chance to win!

  86. Is the slouchy on Ravelry? Am interested in making one.

  87. That book sounds so cool!

  88. I love beautiful knitting books. Thanks!

  89. I've seen that VK and flipped through - it looks lovely. And yes on slouchy too, I have a batch of festival yarn in cream that needs to be something like it --

  90. I also love the photos in the Vogue books. Eye candy! :)

  91. My goodness, another gorgeous giveaway! That stitchionary would be a dream come true to me. :)

  92. What a wonderful book! Would love to add it to my collection. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the color of your new sweater!

  93. Thanks for the giveaway! That looks like a great color for a slouchy.

  94. I was flippinng through that book the other day at B&N...it was great :)

  95. This book sure would come in hand as I'm a newbie in the realm of lace/shawl knitting. Thank you for offering this.

  96. Oh,please pick me!

  97. Not trying to win, I can't have any distractions (no matter how lovely) while I try to wrap up my sweater. But I wanted to say I love the slouchy cardigan. Looks comfy!

  98. Yay! A knitting book! I love 'em!

  99. Ahscameron6/24/2010

    I have been wanting that book for a good bit of time now. :)

  100. I love seeing your "go-to" knits. If only I could wiggle my nose and get one just like it. :-)

  101. I would love a chance to win this! thanks!

  102. Katie L6/24/2010

    Loved the slouchy cardigan. I've yet to stray from making baby items (I have three kids, oldest two turned two this week), and am nervous to commit so much time and yarn to something when I'm not positive it'll turn out perfectly, but I just might have to try this one!

  103. I'd love a lace stitch dictionary! Enjoy that poolside knitting!

  104. How on earth do you get all these copies of books to give away? Please do email me back, I'm so curious!!

    Great give-away! Thanks!

  105. Anonymous6/24/2010

    Now I have to go find the slouchy pattern. I really need to find something to knit on vacation this summer. I'll bet I hae some stash that would work.

    I love to knit lace patterns. I mostly do them on socks but I'm looking to expand out of my sock rut. Enter me please :)

  106. I find it had enough with the plain stuff but a girl has to have ambitions right? :D

  107. Charlene6/24/2010

    How lucky to have two copies of what looks like a great book I would love to be included in the chance giveaway. Thank you for offering it to us .

  108. I absolutely love your slouchy. I really want to make one for myself and since you are making a second I guess I should at least cast on for my first :)

  109. Mid-80's would be a cold spell here at the moment.

    Mmm, lace knitting.

  110. i so need a slouchy! and yes i'm interested ;)

  111. What a lovely color! And thank you for this giveaway (and all the others!) - what a great book!!

  112. dana.meadows@ahss.org6/24/2010

    I am interested as well....havent had too much luck with more advanced lave patternss and hope that the photos will give me some inspiration!

  113. I'm with Andrea...this may be the cardigan I've been looking for! Thanks for always sharing your favorites!!

  114. Anonymous6/24/2010

    Me. I have the others and Have this on my wish list. Thanks for the opportunity.

  115. Anonymous6/24/2010

    woops. Name and email. Tiffanie tiffaniemullis@yahoo.com

  116. I will have to look at the slouchy cardigan pattern. Ravelry is banned at work : (

    Awesome giveaway!

  117. Yes, I would love to win this book. And polish up my lace knitting. Thanks for Sharing

  118. What a great giveaway! I borrowed the 3rd in the series from our library once and you're right - they'd be a great addition to the library of any knitter.

  119. I would love this book!

  120. just learning, i made my first sweater and now am working on a blanket, I would love the inspiration from a beautiful book!

  121. I have the first 3 and they are great. Would love to have a copy of #5.

  122. I had not thought about making this sweater ... but you keep talking it up. Hmm. I might just have to queue it and see :)

  123. Anonymous6/24/2010

    I would love to get my mitts on that book!

    Kelly in Neptune

  124. Love the green yarn...and who could pass up a stitch dictionary?

  125. I would like that book. I have sneaked around this series of books for a bit but think that they are a bit pricy.


  126. I loved your first slouchy - that new color looks gorgeous for another one.

    I would love to be in the running for the book! So generous of you.

  127. ooh, I LOVE that slouchy cardigan. That book would look great on my coffee table too!

  128. Count me in! I love stitch dictionaries!

  129. Wow that book would be awesome your very kind

  130. Thanks for offering the book as a giveaway - you have taught everyone a lot about knitting, thanks!

  131. I would love to have the book. It will be a great coffee table book for me, too.

  132. I have Volumes I and II, and I love them! What a wonderful giveaway!! Speaking of love...I do heart the last of the Charm yarn--it's a beautiful color.

  133. What a great giveaway! I'd LOVE it!

  134. Lace is my passion right now and this book is on my wish list.

  135. Me! I'm always interested in books...Julie

  136. Great giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win!

  137. love your blog. My daughter gave me the link!

  138. I can certainly vouch for this book - I just bought a copy! (So naturally . . . I won't need to be included in the giveaway). I really like the fact that there are some highly original lace patterns in there. I love this series!

  139. I am sure the books contents are super but I am in love with the photography on the cover....beautiful!

  140. I wouldn't mind winning a knitting book :-)

  141. Good luck to everyone! And thank you to you, a never-met friend, for this giveaway...

  142. Hey! I'm thinking of doing another Slouchy too. I love my first one as well. This time I thinking of going a size larger and keeping the hood. I have some stash yarn that would work great.

    Great knitter's must think alike ;)

  143. knitpurlgirl6/24/2010

    Thank you for giving away the book, I'd love to win it!

  144. Adella6/24/2010

    I'm always so inspired by your sweaters. I haven't knit one yet. I would love this book. Thank you.

  145. Your blog is lovely to read, and I enjoy checking for updates often. Thanks for having the giveaway, it is quite generous of you to have so many!

  146. Ooooh I'd love this stitchionary! Thanks for all the giveaways you offer!

  147. Oh I'm interested! :)

    (Long time lurker, first time commenter.)

  148. I love knitting lace. Looks like a fabulous book.

  149. I seriously need to put a slouchy on my knitting to-do list, what a useful knit!

    That and... I ADORE lace knitting and would love that amazing looking stitch dictionary!

    Thanks for being so generous with it:-)

  150. Thanks for the generous giveaway. Here's crossing my fingers.

  151. Thanks for giving one away. Would love to have it! :)

  152. How generous! I've been meaning to snag myself a copy :)

  153. I just finished my first Slouchy Cardigan and I have to agree, it's getting the most use out of anything I've ever knit up and it's so comfy! I haven't seen that book in the bookstores here yet! (stares jealously at book) they only have the first two on the shelves. Ever. Makes me sad ^_^

  154. i love the vogue stitchionary series! thanks for the giveaway!

  155. Oooh. I haven't seen this one at the store yet. Please count me in!

  156. Thanks for the opportunity to win - I would love a copy!

  157. thanks for setting up a giveaway.

  158. a little help is always good!

    does the weight of the hood pull the sweater toward the back? going to check out the pattern. hmmm

  159. Totally interested! What a nice giveaway!!!

  160. Slouchy cardigan, here I come!

  161. That book would be awesome!

    I love reading your blog. I don't know how you find the time to knit so much, but I wish I made the time to do it.

  162. Anonymous6/24/2010

    I've been contemplating making Slouchy since I first got the Knit Cafe book. Yours is gorgeous!

    Some day I'd like to invest in all of the Vogue Stitchionary's, but I'd love to start with #5! :)

  163. So far I have all these wonderful books in my collection and the lace book will be a welcome and lovely addition.

    Thanks so much for such a beautiful and generous giveaway.



  164. Anonymous6/24/2010

    Wow! Would love the book!


    Can't wait to see the next slouchy..

  165. This looks like a wonderful reference book. I would love to win a copy!

  166. You know, I've been thinking about getting those books...I'll have to keep my eye out for a bargain (since there are five of 'em!).

    Thanks for offering one up :)

  167. I love the slouchy and am going to get hold of the pattern right away. Love your site, thanks so much for giving such a 'great vibe' out.

  168. Anonymous6/24/2010

    You are so talented and generous!
    That book would be so handy
    Lindsay B

  169. Anonymous6/24/2010

    I will have to check the book out. Looks like it would be a good one!


  170. Useful coffee table books are the best! Of course, any book is good, but when it's about yarn - well, sign me up! Thanks for the opportunity!

  171. I haven't had a chance to look at that book yet, but it sounds like a must-have. I would love to win a copy!

  172. Jeanne S.6/24/2010

    I am in the middle of my first lace project and this book would be wonderful

  173. Anonymous6/24/2010

    Love the Slouchy Cardigan and just ordered the book.
    The book looks great. Thanks

  174. Idalia6/24/2010

    pick me! I´m interested!

  175. I'm venturing out of lurkdom for that coveted book (I always read you, just don't often post).

  176. That book looks like something I need! Thanks for the chance to win it.

  177. Bobbie in AK6/24/2010

    Love the slouchy sweater - love the color of the new one on the needles.

  178. I would love such a resource! Great giveaway!

  179. Me! Me! Me! :)))) I am interested! Thank you for such great giveaways! Your blog inspired me to create my own blog and got me into crafts up to my ears! Thank you so much!

  180. Anonymous6/24/2010

    I've really been considering this sweater. I started the Peasy but didn't like it once it was almost done. What to knit, what to knit...

    The book looks awesome

  181. It must be fantastic if you like it =P

    Very interested in that there book...Fingers crossed!

  182. Anonymous6/24/2010

    I'd love to have a copy! I don't have any of the Vogue Stitchionaries yet.

  183. That cardigan is the reason I found your blog...I love it.

  184. Anonymous6/24/2010

    I think I am going to like your new Slouchy even better than the first. LOVE the color of this one!

    Thanks for the chance to win. I could really use a good instructional book. ~Jan

  185. That's a great lace book. pls add me to your list and thanks for the giveaway.

  186. I am loving all these new books, as well as the giveaways. If I don't win I will still be adding it to my library. Thank you!
    BTW you having me seriously thinking about adding the slouchy cardi to my WIPS.

  187. Ooh, your new slouchy cardigan is going to be so pretty in that green! What a fabulous sweater.

    Thanks for holding this giveaway! I LOVE Stitionaries of all kinds.

  188. Anonymous6/24/2010

    I have become a knitting-aholic, I am not very good at it, but I am obsessed with it - your blog is great, it gives me inspiration. Keep it up

    Sheri S.

  189. Lorien6/24/2010

    It's because of you that I have a slouchy cardigan! I wear it at least three times a week. I am on a knitting book diet, so I can't buy anymore for a while...but it would be okay if I won one:)

  190. Count me in! I've been eyeballing that book for a while. That's really awesome of you to do the giveaway.

  191. Yet another lovely giveaway.... count me in please ;-) One can never have too many knitting books. I wish we had 80 degree weather, most days are high 90's here - not what I call fun!

  192. I would love to win the book,
    Thanks you for the givaway.

  193. That's a very pretty shade of green.
    Thanks for the book giveaway.

  194. I love giveaway, i never win anything but hope is eternal. Thanks

  195. Would love a chance to win the book, very generous of you!

  196. Never done this before but thought i would give it a go (although i'm not sure that you would send to UK if i actually won!!). An avid reader of your blog, love it!
    Liz C


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