books and magazines - a Friend to knit with

books and magazines

Friday, March 12, 2010

Nicky Epstein's "Knitted Flowers" and "Crochet Flowers" books are now available in paperback. I haven't spent much time embellishing projects or items, but these books sure make me want to. Both books have infinite possibilities for embellishing garments and home accessories. I would love to make a pillow for Libby's room (sew) and embellish it with some sweet cord blooms or lazy daisy flowers. (I am pretty certain she would love that, too.)

And, if I ever take the time to learn how to crochet, I'd make a bunch of the daisy may flowers and sew them onto a crocheted blanket. I can just see it... so cute!

Guess what? The nice peeps over at soho publishing have offered two of my readers a book.

Oh! One more thing. Have you seen or heard of knitcircus magazine? They are currently a free online magazine with an option to purchase the patterns all together as a collection rather than as individual patterns. Knitcircus is three rings of knitting, sewing and fibercraft with recipes thrown in for fun. Jaala, the Editor-in-Chief has offered two of my readers the pdf download of the spring pattern collection.

So, if you are interested in any or all of these, leave me a comment (with your first choice) by Monday, the 15th at 12pm EST. I will choose 4 names.

Have a wonderful weekend!

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  1. Oh I would love that knitted flowers book! Looks divine.

  2. Anonymous3/12/2010

    thanks for the giveaway! i would love to see what the Knitted Flowers book offers beyond that beautiful cover shot!
    Katie B.

  3. The knitted flower book would be awesome for the rug I am currently knitting for my kids' playhouse! Thank you.

  4. Oh MY GOODNESS!! I would LOVE one of those books!! love your blog!

  5. What a great giveaway.
    If I were to win, I'd have to opt for the Knitted Flowers - looks like a book for of delightful inspirations. I'll keep my fingers and toes crossed.

  6. Oh wow I would love either the Knitted flowers or Crochet flowers since I am about to start crocheting it may help me.
    You knit so beautiful I love to see all your projects.

  7. Since I'm not a crocheter, the knitted flower book would be my first choice. It would take my knitting on a different path since now I only knit functional things (sweaters, socks, mittens)

  8. I would love the knitted flowers book! Of course the online magazine would be fabulous too! Thanks for sharing!

  9. The magazine sounds interesting. Thanks for your generosity.

  10. Oh, my word! I would LOVE that knitted flowers book!

  11. Oh knitted flowers! This book is on my wish list! Even though everyone is saying the knitted flower book, it's still my first choice!

  12. i would love knitted flowers! thanks for the opportunity!

  13. Anonymous3/12/2010

    I want to learn how to crochet this year - so that crochet flowers book looks lovely!

  14. Oh both would be great but my first pick would be the crocheted book!

  15. I would love the knitted flowers book - I actually thumbed through it at Barnes and Nobles.

  16. Oh how nice! I would love the knitted flowers book. Her books are great!

  17. The crocheted flowers book looks fantastic, I just started playing around with crocheting flowers and it is so much fun. I can handle it so much easier than knitting. What a fun giveaway!

  18. Wow, what a great giveaway! I would love "Knitted Flowers"!

  19. How nice of you! Hey, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!! (tomorrow)

  20. The knitted flowers book looks like it would be fun. However, crocheted flowers would be an interesting challenge as well! Too hard to pick...

  21. knitted flowers - thanks

  22. knitted flowers - thanks
    Twizzler on Ravelry

  23. I would love either of the books. They look awesome.

    Thank you so much for sharing Leslie.

    Have a wonderful weekend!
    Tracie from Pittsburgh

  24. I was just flipping through these at Barnes & Noble! Would love either of the flower books, they look wonderful!

  25. Anonymous3/12/2010

    The knitted flower book is one of my most-used ones; sometimes it's fun just to make something pretty really quickly. Afraid I don't crochet well enough to have the other.

  26. Your blog is great! Knitted flowers would be a great addition to my book shelf

  27. That Knitted Flowers book (although popular) looks awesome. I must confess that I would love to have it! The Crocheted one looks lovely also. I am not as fantastic at crocheting, but would be willing to brush up my skills. Thanks so much!!!!

  28. I'd love to have the "Crochet Flowers" book...I would like to learn crochet by making something really pretty like those flowers on the cover :)

  29. Sounds fun...count me in.

  30. Oh they all sound good...I love to knit,sew and crochet so if I am lucky enough to win I will take any of the three!

    Darlene a friend in PEI

  31. 1st choice, knitted flowers, 2nd crocheted. They both look lovely.

  32. Fun! My first choice would be the online mag download. They have some beautiful knitting patterns. That twilight shawl is gorgeous!

  33. oh please pick me! ;) I am currently on a knit veggies kick and think flowers is just the way to follow up!

  34. oh, such a happy giveaway! thank you for entering me!loved the crochet daisies...

  35. Wow, isn't the web a marvelous place, full of possible connections that would not have otherwise been possible.

    Kitting Circus. That's a great name. It's a great site.

    Thank you for the introduction. Guess that I've now got more knit/crochet projects on the go, or in my mind's eye than I will ever find time to finish.

    And still. I am intrigued by future projects. Either book would add to the inspiration.

    Love the mitts I've knitted from your pattern. Thank you!

  36. I would Looooooooove a copy of Knitted Flowers! My grandmother crochets flowers for all of the ladies during the holidays, but I'm a knitter, so this would be a great addition!

  37. Oooh, that's a hard one! Either of the Nicky Epstein books please. Thanks for the giveaway!

  38. I just looked at the book today at the bookstore, would love to have it as my very own

  39. I would love the knitcircus patterns.

  40. Cynthia in NC3/12/2010

    Wonderful giveaway. I would love the Crocheted Flowers first choice, The Knit Flowers second choice. Love reading your blog. It is like a note from a friend.

  41. Nicky Epstein is amazing. I'd be super happy with any of the offerings. Thanks!

  42. How lovely! To win one of the Nicky Epstein books would be fabulous...

  43. Any of the three would be great, but if I have to choose I would go with crochet flowers.

  44. Anonymous3/12/2010

    Oh so generous, you are. I would have to go with the Knitted Flowers. Thanks

    Liane :)

  45. THANKS for the great giveaway! I would LOVE the book!

  46. Anonymous3/12/2010

    Oh I'd love to have Nicky Epstein's crochet flowers. I also have some great item's I'd like to embellish. Thanks!

  47. if love the knitted or crocheted flowers book. I bet accenting an afghan, pillow or maybe chair cushions with flowers would be cute.

  48. What a wonderful giveaway. I've never won, so any would be great. If I had a choice I would love the knitted flowers-what a beautiful cover.

  49. Priscilla K.3/12/2010

    Thanks so much for the giveaway! I'd love the crochet flowers book.
    Priscilla K.

  50. Those all sound fabulous! Thanks for the giveaway!

  51. I'd actually love to win the knitted flowers book. Cool!
    Thank you!

  52. I'd love Knitted Flowers... I love the embellished purses and have just recently done some felting... what a treat for the winners!

  53. Have been lurking and loving your blog for quite some time, and would love a crack at that knitcircus collection!!!!

  54. oooh those knitted flowers look very inspiring! thank you for the giveaway!

  55. Any of these would be lovely, though I must admit that learning to crochet is still on my 'to do' list. I have quietly been reading your blog with pleasure for a while now so this seems a good time to say how much I like it and the biscuits. (The knitting too of course!)

  56. April showers bring May flowers! Hopefully Nicky Epstein knitted ones! Thanks for the chance. Chris


  57. Thanks for the giveaway! I would love to win either of the books. Been wanting to do some crochet/knitted flowers for my girls.

  58. I'd love the knitted flowers book. I've got Nicky's 'knitting a kiss in every stitch' and 'knitting in Tuscany' also on my wish list;)

  59. I would so love any of these, but I think my first choice would be for knit flowers... What great choices! Thank you for all the beautiful inspiration!

  60. Sounds great I would love to get my hands on those every since I saw her and knit and crochet today. :)

  61. Hi, I have been following your lovely blog since last year :) Not only I love your knitting projects, also enjoy the weekly cookies. How about "Knitted Flowers" for me? Thanks,

  62. I will have to check the knitted one out I wonder if there are any Callalilies(fav flowers).

    I just ran across Knit Circus magazine this week when I was reading some show notes from a Podcast I listen to its a very cool magazine.

  63. I would love the book for knitters. Knitted flowers.

    Great giveaway!


  64. Wow! Thank all of you for the generosity!
    What wonderful treasures! I favor the Knitcircus though.

  65. WOW both of them seem like a GREAT book...I would love the knitted flowers one...You are very generous with the giveaway...

  66. Another Knitted Flowers fan here - wouldn't this be just the thing for Spring? Thanks for the contest!

  67. lizchatwell@yahoo.com3/12/2010

    Thanks for such a great giveaway! Knitted Flowers please!

  68. ohlord3/12/2010

    PDF of knit circus. UR 2 KIND!! thanks for the giveaway

  69. oh the knitted flower book for sure! love it.

  70. Anonymous3/13/2010

    I would love KnitCircus.
    I'm CJSP on Ravelry.
    Thank you!

  71. Wow! I would love the crochet flowers book!

  72. I would LOVE the Knitcircus spring pattern collection! :-)

  73. Interested in all three, but first choice would be crocheted flowers :)

  74. OO just started crochet so would love the crochet flowers book...... the others wouldn't go amiss.... am I greedy?

  75. Hello. I love your blog. I just ordered the vanilla sugar from Penzey's and so look forward to making the yummy cookies you posted. I would be greatful to have any of the wonderful items you are offering. Thanks for keeping me inspired!

  76. Thank you for offering these - I would love the chance to be entered for the Knitted Flowers draw. Thank you!

  77. Oh how exciting! I would love the Knitted Flowers book (as I still haven't figured out how to crochet!).

    K x

  78. I would love the crochet flowers book - I've just learned to crochet and this might be a chance to expand my (very small) skill set. Thanks!

  79. I would love the Knitted Flowers book, it would make my year :).

  80. I would love the knitted flowers book. I have two little girls who love pretty things!

  81. Thanks for introducing me to Knit Circus - I loved it, and that's definitely what I'd love to win!!

  82. Oh, all these are wonderful...while I'd be happy with any of them. I don't crochet but if I got that I'd have to learn, right! Thanks for having a contest.

  83. Barb T.3/13/2010

    I love your blog tons! I would be interested in the magazine! I took a look and like it!

  84. I went over to knitcircus and the online magazine looked great! I would love to win the downloads. Thanks for the giveaway and the chance to win!

  85. I have been very interested in knitting flowers lately, maybe because i'm so tired of winter and looking forward to spring!! I would be very interested in the knitting flowers book. Thank you for sharing.

  86. I have a copy of KnitCirus from when it was a print magazine. I didn't know it had switched to online. I would love a copy of the current issue

  87. The magazine has some great patterns, I would love them! Thanks!

  88. Anonymous3/13/2010

    Would love Knitted Flowers... Really everything sounds lovely!! Thanks for sharing.

    Diana B.

  89. Thanks for the free offer, my first choice is the Nicky Epstein book.

  90. I knit and crochet, so any of them would be lovely. But I think the Knitcircus is my favorite.

  91. I love the idea of knitted flowers but am still just a beginner - even though I have been knitting for many year (justnot enough!)

  92. Leslie Bagatelle3/13/2010

    I would love to make embellished pillow covers for my living room sofa. I knit and crochet! Thanks for the offer.

  93. trish r3/13/2010

    I love the knitted flowers, maybe felted on some slippers!

  94. How sweet, count me in for this fab giveaway.

  95. I would love the knit book! I don't crochet and thought my opportunity to knit flowers was very limited!

  96. crochet flowers would be fun!

  97. Your generosity amazes me :) Thank you. The magazine patterns looked amazing.

  98. i don't know how to crochet either so i would have to try out all the knitted flowery goodness. thanks for the giveaway.

  99. Thanks for offering us the chance to win some lovely things.
    Who wouldn't like knitted flowers? I certainly would.

  100. Anonymous3/13/2010

    Love these books ! Thank you for the contest ! Kim O

  101. oh wow! knitcircus would be great! thanks for the giveaway chance and you're the birthday girl! so generous...but i already new that!

  102. I would love either of the flower books - they both look beautiful! Thanks for having such a wonderful giveaway.

  103. Sounds wonderful. These are beautiful books. My first choice would be the crocheted flowers!

  104. Anonymous3/13/2010

    Thank you for the offer. I would love the knitted flower book.

    Cindy Z

  105. Thanks for the giveaway! I'd like the crocheted flowers since I've started making a few from other patterns. A different technique from knitting, but still fun.

  106. Thanks for another great giveaway. They look fabulous. I am late to the party - so would be happy with anything :) g

  107. Your lurkers sure are popping up for these wonderful looking books. I'd love to win, too!

  108. Oooo, would love to look through either, but would choose knitting first. Thank you!

  109. Crochet flowers please - I already have the knitted version and love it - I am trying to improve my crochet and this would be a fun way to do it! :D

  110. Anonymous3/13/2010

    The Knitted Flowers book looks amazing!

  111. I would be happy to take a copy of either. one sister knits and the other crochets - I would happily regift it to one of them should I be so lucky to be chosen! love watching your beautiful creations adorn your family!

  112. Knitted flowers, oh my! I've been meaning to embellish a few hats, but hadn't found that perfect embellishment. I don't know a thing about crocheting... wish I did.

    Thank you for your inspiration and for the great giveaway!

  113. Thank you for the wonderful give away! I would love either of the books!

  114. Wow! Great giveaway. I would like the knitcircus patterns.

  115. I would love to have Knitted Flowers!


  116. Knitted Flowers would be fabulous to have! Thanks so much for all your inspiration and information you share! I tell everyone who will listen! Thank you.

  117. I would like the knitting flowers book. I love crocheting flowers, but I have never knitted them. Crocheting is super easy. If you can knit, you can definitely teach yourself to crochet. :)

  118. great giveaway! i'd love the crochet flowers book


  119. What great offers! You can sign me up.

  120. Thanks for the leads. These both look great.

  121. I have been reading your blog for quite some time now and just started a blog of my owm. I knit and crochet and those flowers are just beautiful! I'd be really lucky to receive either!

  122. The crocheted flowers book would be fantastic!

  123. I would love Knitted Flowers! Looks so fun.

  124. I would LOVE the knitted flowers book. I have actually been looking for something like this (seems much easier to find crocheted flowers) to make for my girls and their goodies.

  125. Mirjam3/13/2010

    These knitted roses look stunning. Would love to win that book. Thanks!

  126. With spring approaching it would be lovely to sit on the patio and dream of all the things I imagine I will make from the knitted flower book - second would be the free download. thanks!

  127. cpenoyer3/13/2010

    I was just checking out the knitting flowers book this afternoon at my LYS & really wanted it as I'm knitting on felted handbags for my 6 granddaughters now & would love to add some flowers !

  128. Spring collection please, and thanks for sharing the wealth!

  129. Gipsieee3/13/2010

    I would love any of these, but getting a copy of the crochet flowers or Knit Circus patterns would be especially wonderful.

  130. Thanks for the intro to knitting circus. Always fun to read more about the craft.
    Either of the books would be grand. Though I knit, I'm keen to pick up crochet. Wouldn't flowers be a treat in either form?

  131. Anonymous3/13/2010

    I'm hoping for some spring, so the spring collection would be just the thing! ~ jill in Boise

  132. ooooh, the knitcircus please

  133. Anonymous3/13/2010

    Oh how fun! The crocheted flowers book would be lovely! Thanks, Leslie for the chance.

  134. clancyreeves@att.net3/13/2010

    Thank you for the giveaway! I would love the knitted flowers book.

  135. This comment has been removed by the author.

  136. What fun! I'd take the knitcircus patterns. Not that I need more pattern ideas...

  137. Very Cool! Now I need to quickly go and check out that knitcircus link.

  138. oh, i'd love the crochet book!

  139. Those look gorgeous! I would love the knit book!

  140. I just love the flowers on the purse on the crochet book, so sweet

  141. what a great giveaway! i think i would like the knitted flowers book, but the crochet flowers book looks just as great!

  142. Anonymous3/14/2010

    Thank you so much for your site. I enjoy it so much. If I am lucky enough to be Blessed with one of the books I would love the knitted flowers. kelly d

  143. Great giveaway! I would go for the patterns... thanks!

  144. Fab giveaway - I would love the crochet flowers book

  145. OOoh, I would love the PDF files!

  146. Fun contest! I'm interested in all the prizes, because, well, I love prizes. Happy weekend to you, too :)

  147. Yes, please! I'd love the Crochet Flowers book. I already have a recent collection of Knitcircus patterns on hand.

  148. ohh headed over to amazon to add the knitted flowers to my wishlist!

  149. Wow, thanks for the link to the Knittingcircus magazine. It was fun checking it out and there were lots of patterns I would like to try. I guess I would like a copy of the magazine patterns. And since I've started crocheting again, the Crochet Flowers book would be awesome too.

    Great giveaway!

  150. Oooh, I want, I want! I especially want the crocheted flowers book! Or the knitted flowers book! I like to keep my knitting library growing. :) Thanks for offering this giveaway!

  151. This comment has been removed by the author.

  152. My first choice would be the knitted flowers book but I would be happy to learn how to do more than just crochet a long cord, someday too. Or even just explore the online magazine.

    Thank you for sharing this all with us.

  153. Awesome giveaway! I think that I would like the knitcircus pattern collection.

  154. Would love one of those books, they look amazing!

  155. Holy Cow! Those look fun. I don't have any idea what I'd choose, but I'm really enjoying your blog since I found it.

  156. How sweet are all these people...knitted flowers or crochet (I already subscribe to the Knit Circus!!)

    I really enjoy your blog!

  157. Thanks for the giveaway.. flowers for spring.

  158. It's hard for me to decide between Knitted Flowers and Knit Circus! (Good thing I don't know how to crochet or I'd have trouble narrowing it down at all. lol)

  159. knitting flowers looks fun! I continue to be thankful for all the wonderful things you share with us!

  160. Anonymous3/14/2010

    I would love the Knitted Flowers book! I enjoy reading your blog so much, it is clear that you are very generous, talented, and kind person!
    Thank you!

  161. what a generous offer. The knitted flower book looks like a good one, judging by the cover.
    good luck to everyone!

  162. Lovely - I would like all of them, but especially the crocheted flowers book.

  163. I would lovelovelove the crocheted flower book! Would love to crochet a giant Easter corsage.

  164. Thank you for the give-away! My first choice would be the knitted flowers book.

  165. Love the knitted flower book - well, and the crochet counterpart too...

  166. I'm so glad I caught this--just under the wire! Really, I was just thinking about making hats for my girl for spring with flowers on them. One problem... No idea how to do it! If I don't win, I will buy these anyway. :)

  167. StephanieDuff3/15/2010

    I would prefer the crocheted flowers book, but the knitted one would be great too!

  168. What a nice give-away. I would love the crochet flower book - I am on a bit of a crochet kick right now. Thanks for the chance to win one of these great books.

  169. Leslie3/15/2010

    Thanks for the giveaway! I think the crochet book would be my first choice -- I don't know how to crochet, but I want to!

  170. Jennifer3/15/2010

    I would love the knitted flowers book. The bag on the cover has a friend's name written all over it.

  171. I would love the knitcircus patterns! Your blog is great btw:)

  172. Ooh. I would love the knitted flowers book.

  173. dana.meadows@ahss.org3/15/2010

    i'd like the crochet version for a first choice, but any would be fine.

  174. Great giveaway. Love knitcircus and would love to win.

  175. I would love the knitted flowers book! It looks lovely.

  176. Yummy patterns! ss

  177. Anonymous3/15/2010

    I'm about to try my hand at crocheted flowers for a tote bag I'm just finishing up. I've never done them before so I'm pretty excited to learn. The Crochet book would be right up my ally.

  178. Yum - Love the knitted flowers book. :-)

  179. What a lovely giveaway! Those knitted flowers are so beautiful. I would be thrilled with any of these!

  180. The knitting book please

  181. Knitcircus sounds like fun!

  182. Wow. I'm practicing my crochet right now, because I am doing the crochet swap (if I can get my act together and crochet a potholder each night between now and next Wednesday)!

    All of these books/magazines look really stunning. It would be a wonderful thing to win any of them.

  183. Everything looks wonderful. I think I would like the spring patterns pdf from knitcircus. But, honestly, I'd be happy to win any of it!

  184. Anonymous3/15/2010

    oh wow! I would love the knited flowers book, it looks like such fun!

  185. Knitted Flowers looks amazing. Thank you so much!!

  186. The books look enticing! Please count me in!

  187. Thanks for this lovely giveaway ♥ The knitted flowers book looks wonderful!

  188. I'd love the knitted flowers book - thanks!!

  189. id be so lucky to have any of the three!

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