- Wednesday, September 30, 2009
I am back from my trip. Trying to get back into the swing of things around here. That is a sneak peak (very much a peak) of the vogue knitting long coat up there. I really like it and can't wait to show it to you... as soon as I go through all of the photos. I'm pretty sure I don't like the photos as I had my mother take them after we spent some time wine tasting. I sort of forgot all I have learned about photography and had the camera set on all the wrong settings. We'll see.
Isn't that a beautiful bathroom! It was one of many at the Carneros Inn.... we didn't stay there, just dined there. I absolutely love those faucets.
Have a great day!
- Tuesday, September 29, 2009
See you soon.
- Sunday, September 20, 2009
I'm headed west to spend some time with my parents. I'll be back within the next few days with a name of a winner for the twinkle book and project. I really wish you could all win.
Have a wonderful weekend!
- Saturday, September 19, 2009
- Thursday, September 17, 2009
Some time ago, I made this:
Unfortunately, I didn't like the way it fit, so I gifted it to my sister. I had every intention of making it again in order to fit me. However, two years later have never done so. Well, this past weekend while in my cleaning frenzy, I came across the yarn. And thought since I probably will never get around to making another one, maybe one of you would like to make it. I have enough yarn for a medium. Of course, you will need the book, so I will include that also.
If you would like a chance to win this, please comment here by midnight, Friday the 18th.

- Wednesday, September 16, 2009
So, again, I was going to try to get over here all weekend. But I got a little preoccupied. Not with any mice (haven't spotted anymore, yet) but with an empty house. Did you hear me? An empty house! My husband took the children to an LSU game (were you there beki?) and I had the house to myself. I must say, it was wonderful. It is amazing how much more you can accomplish while alone....for an extended amount of time. There was organizing, closet purging, music listening, sewing, movie watching and of course, knitting.
I spent a lot of time thinking about parts of this sweater. The pattern is written so that the top back half of this sweater is done in the reverse stockinette. As are the sleeves. And when I saw this piece finished, at the show, I liked that. It added a bit of interest and texture. However, this weekend, I decided to rip it back to the rib and do the top half in stockinette. As well as the sleeves.
A friend of mine recently gave me the Foster's Market cookbook. There are some amazing recipes in there. Of course, I flipped straight to the desserts to look for some new cookie recipes. First up were the blondies. The batter makes so much (hello 4 cups of brown sugar) that I ended up dividing it and using half of the dough one week (with heath toffee bits) freezing the other half and using it the following week (last week) with chocolate chips.
The kids liked the heath toffee bits so much better then the chocolate chips. The chocolate chips ended up being more like a chocolate chip cookie.... pie. Which has me thinking. I would really love to make an apple pie.
Have a wonderful day.
- Monday, September 14, 2009
I tried to get over here all day yesterday. To share some knitting. And the last couple of "cookie of the weeks". However, instead I found myself keeping watch on this:
You see, in my eyes, there was a ferocious beast under the towel, under the laundry basket. A heavy (needlepoint) brick made sure that he couldn't escape. But, I didn't trust that and spent the next few hours checking in on it to make sure there was no way he could get out.
As soon as my husband got home we (he) released him. The kids wanted to keep him for a pet. We told them that they probably haven't seen the end of him. He will probably end up back in our basement very soon. Oh, joy.
Have a great one.
- Thursday, September 10, 2009
So, school has been back in session for a week. And I think I am finally feeling good about the new routine. I'm not sure why, but I felt a little lost when they went back this year. Even though I was able to jam my music, it still seemed quiet. A little too quiet. Suddenly it seemed as if all that "stuff" I really wanted to do didn't seem nearly as important. In fact, I couldn't even remember what it was I wanted to do. I know, sounds crazy. Trust me, it didn't last long. Kim reminded me that I loved to bake. And knit!
This is the other side of the long coat. The side with the circular design. I know, it looks a little strange to me, also. I am trusting it will block correctly.
As I brought in these tomatoes on Sunday afternoon, Charlie gasped and said "please, no more tomato pie". I will make it again (for the third time) but I promised not to make him eat it. You should try it, though. It is really fabulous.
Have a great day.
And, happy September!
- Tuesday, September 01, 2009